Predict the outcome of the 4th July election

Rishi delivers. A rather interesting couple. C4 Dispatches.
Charge your car on a public charger and cost per mile works out a good bit dearer than petrol. Part reason is 20% VAT rather than the VAT on our home supply. The cost of that can be significantly reduced by off peak charging but charge at home at any time is the best option. Mmmmm off peak when lots have them? I wonder.

2035. The manufacturers have been told something different. 80% of sales by 2030 or fines on any fuel vehicles that prevent that. The fine mentioned £15,000 per vehicle. Interesting way of evening up prices more. The makers view. It will interfere with sales and jobs. Investment too. The one interviewed provide ~5,000 jobs here. A major that runs several car makers.

My brother visited for a couple of days and has gone full electric very recently. 174 road miles, 300mile range. Charging was interesting.. He has an app that tells him where charge points are and also if they are vacant. It was interesting to watch him planning his route back. Also the experience of an I Pace owner he knows that regularly does high mileages. Sorry off topic so no more.
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2035. The manufacturers have been told something different. 80% of sales by 2030 or fines on any fuel vehicles that prevent that. The fine mentioned £15,000 per vehicle. Interesting way of evening up prices more. The makers view. It will interfere with sales and jobs. Investment too. The one interviewed provide ~5,000 jobs here. A major that runs several car makers.
Tried that with gas boilers from jan 1st this year regards forcing heat pumps got dropped within 3 months
Rishi delivers. A rather interesting couple. C4 Dispatches.
Charge your car on a public charger and cost per mile works out a good bit dearer than petrol. Part reason is 20% VAT rather than the VAT on our home supply. The cost of that can be significantly reduced by off peak charging but charge at home at any time is the best option. Mmmmm off peak when lots have them? I wonder.

Funny you should mention that. National Grid announced yesterday that they plan to invest £60billion over the next five years. They will partially fund this with £7billion from investors, and by cutting dividends, and by selling a gas asset. I believe this is double the investment in the previous five years, but I can't find the figures now

I applaud them for not acting like our privatised water companies, which raised money by huge loans which the customers pay the interest on, and handing it out to shareholders, leaving the companies crippled by debt, and underinvested, with filthy infrastructure.
"The transition away from fossil fuels is expected to increase the demands on electricity networks as households and businesses try to shift to electric cars and heating, powered by renewables.

Other network owners are also likely to need to raise new equity to update infrastrastructure for the clean energy transition.

“Over the next 10 years, the level of renewable generation is going to increase significantly, and of course economies are going to be increasingly dependent on electricity with the growth of data centres and AI, as well as the higher domestic uptake of things like electric vehicles and heat pumps,” said Pettigrew.

"These shifts are happening now, but will only accelerate as we move forward. So our plans are about investing today to support that transition.”
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What the F has that got to do with my post? Nothing really.
Apart from growing availability of necessary resources, and why they're doing it.
Funny you should mention that. National Grid announced yesterday that they plan to invest £60billion over the next five years. They will partially fund this with £7billion from investors, and by cutting dividends, and by selling a gas asset. I believe this is double the investment in the previous five years, but I can't find the figures now

I applaud them for not acting like our privatised water companies, which raised money by huge loans which the customers pay the interest on, and handing it out to shareholders, leaving the companies crippled by debt, and underinvested, with filthy infrastructure.
im sure you will be on in the coming months complaining about a gas asset being sold to foreigners
A non-rambling, coherent, and clear post, for once.
True but as often an over simplification. Just a for instance - a car price increase of £15k - not a bad estimation.

How many will own electric cars? How many hybrids will be around - banned too - tricky to make those cheap. Also on lots economy doesn't improve much if any at all. Used sales it seems will still be available.

Brave new world. How much money is actually needed? Generally in all sorts of areas that turns out to be an under estimation but in this case it depends heavily on range / battery weight not forgetting some material costs.

My ooment about off peak charging was more of a question than anything else and influenced by the above. Also peoples typical daily needs for range. That aspect could have some influence on the £15k.

The activity in the public transport area is interesting including full HS2. Speed needed for capacity.

Actually the same program came up with a cost aspect. More gov related. Pot holes. Gov says well here is £150m but actual costs of ending the problem are hugely different. To most the £150m sounds great but billions are really needed. Road Tax take might not cover it.
True but as often an over simplification. Just a for instance - a car price increase of £15k - not a bad estimation.

How many will own electric cars? How many hybrids will be around - banned too - tricky to make those cheap. Also on lots economy doesn't improve much if any at all. Used sales it seems will still be available.

Brave new world. How much money is actually needed? Generally in all sorts of areas that turns out to be an under estimation but in this case it depends heavily on range / battery weight not forgetting some material costs.

My ooment about off peak charging was more of a question than anything else and influenced by the above. Also peoples typical daily needs for range. That aspect could have some influence on the £15k.

The activity in the public transport area is interesting including full HS2. Speed needed for capacity.

Actually the same program came up with a cost aspect. More gov related. Pot holes. Gov says well here is £150m but actual costs of ending the problem are hugely different. To most the £150m sounds great but billions are really needed. Road Tax take might not cover it.

And............normal service is resumed.................
entire thread dedicated to them in cars at the moment.
I havn't. It started with a rishi delivers It happened to concern EV's and is "slightly" different to his 2035 statement.
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