Price of ink

8 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Does anyone know if ink has gold particles in its make up or someone is making a fortune! :rolleyes:

I refilled a printer cartridge yesterday for £9.75 and I estimate that only about 50 mls was needed to fill it. That makes ink over £100 per litre!!!!

I challenged the guy whoworked at the refilling shop who said that people were paying for the technology! I reminded him that everything is made up of raw materials and that someone was making a killing out of mugs like us!

This was met with stoney silence! :LOL:

What a con!
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I was chatting to a HP guy in their Bristol factory a few years back about the cost of HDD's he told me they sold them for $200+ but they only cost them $8.00ea (we were working on their HDD test chamber)

I told him that was a right royal rip off and he said , "no way the big money is in ink cartrages !"
I purchased a Lexmark three in one printer for £39.00 a couple of years ago. It was costing me over £40.00 for the two cartridges I needed when they ran out.

Two cartridges cost more than the printer, how does that work out?
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The cartridges supplied with the new printer, are not filled to capacity,
one thing that really bugs me is the manufacturer putting micro chips in their cartridges, to try to force you into buying their overpriced ink.

I buy out of date printer cartridge off e-bay

exactimondo,me too.

ive been running a hp g seris all in 1 since they 1st came out and in hind sight i wouldnt have it,but as the bloody thing is still going strong i begrudge spending out on another,but when i do i have a leaning towards that new kodak all in 1 printer.
Local shop in Liverpool, been going for over 20 years, sells a full set of 6 cartridges for the Epson r220 series for £6 and they are as good as the real thing. Not sure if they are 50ml or 70ml but they last well.
Try a) refilling yourself or b) buying 'compatible' cartridges, made by third parties. This is not news. It is well known among the IT learned that companies sell printers cheaply with the intention of making much more money on the cartridges. Just follow a) or b) above (b) is a lot less messy).
Find a printer model that you can fit a Continuous ink system (CISS) into. Costs about £25, but that's usually with 100ml of each colour...after that, it's about £4 per 250ml makes printing costs virtually negligible after the initial outlay.

And's easy to find a 'chip resetter', or use the above which just fools the printer anyway.
People want cheap printers. They dont think about the consequences of cheap printers at the time. Ooooh thats a bargain . . .

To make up for selling 10p printers, they make their cartridges £100's each in order to make a profit on the total bundle.

Kodak are making inroads into correcting this stupidity, as seen in their TV ads, but theres still a long way to go.

Laser printers dont suffer this. Per page, their cartridges are still very competitive - while the printers are quite expensive. This is because most laser printers are sold to businesses where running costs are taken into account as much as capital payment.
Ink got to be the biggest rip off!

The price of Petrol versus Printer Ink

All these examples do NOT imply that petrol is cheap; it just illustrates how outrageous some prices are....

You will be really shocked by the last one! (At least, I was...)

Think a gallon of petrol is expensive?
This makes one think, and also puts things in perspective.

Diet Snapple 16 oz £1.29 .. £10.32 per gallon

Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz £1.19 ...........£9.52 per gallon

Ocean Spray 16 oz £1.25 ......... £10.00 per gallon

Brake Fluid 12 oz £3.15 ...... £33.60 per gallon

Vick's Nyquil 6 oz E8.35 .......... £178.13 per gallon

Pepto Bismol 4 oz £3.85 .......... £123.20 per gallon

Tippex 7 oz £1.39 ....... . £5.42 per gallon

And this is the REAL KICKER...

Evian water 9 oz £1.49..£21.19 per gallon! £21.19 for WATER and the buyers don't even know the source

(Evian spelled backwards is Naive.)

You don't even want to compare it with perfume or after shave.

Ever wonder why printers are so cheap?...........So they have you hooked for the ink.

Someone calculated the cost of the ink at.................(you won't believe it....but it is true........)

£5,200 a gal... (five thousand two hundred pounds)

So, the next time you're at the pump,be glad your car doesn't run on water, or Tippex, Pepto Bismol, Nyquil or God forbid, Printer Ink!
The consequence of this is that, like Concorde being withdrawn, many people post pictures on the web, taking a photograph on a mobile phone is uninventing technology, in a technology revelotion!

Most people take many photographs, of something useless, ie a load of girls drunk at a ****up, and someone posts that to a webserver, ie facebook, but most create an album, of random photographs, posted electronically, and forget about them.

As they are not remembered, by the poster, they disappear into the ether, and as they have not been printed, due to the excessive cost, and random nature of the post, they are forgotten in history, forever.

But social history is something to record. And keep on record. FB and the like can't do that. So printing out is something that is essential. But not when the manufacturers charge more for the ink, than the who would post random pictures to be printed? As ink is the the gold? So it's a case of uninventing a medium. To a deprimental effect.
I find the cheapest way is to keep a couple of cuttlefish alive in a bath of salty water. I just 'give 'em a squeeze' straight onto my sheets of A4.

Mr. W.
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