Maybe many on here were 'of an era' when racist comments were 'just an easy (albeit tasteless) joke', but they are racist nonetheless!
It's about time people realised, as shutpa reported the judges comments:
Notice the judges comments about "challenging racially aggravated behaviour in all its forms."
That must include racially aggressive/offensive comments in GD forum!
Looking at history and what was acceptable back then gives some understanding to why some people act.
Understanding goes both ways. Understanding why people are saying things and stuck in the past is just as important as those folks understanding that times have moved on and things that were acceptable 30 years ago are no longer.
To ridicule or to try and bully someone to see that things have moved on doesn't work. Explaining in a non-patronising way may do, with a bit of luck.
Challenge, great, but I think you and I have different ideas on challenging people Himmy. Yours is to bully, shout 'racist' at anyone and everyone, racist or not, shutting down discussions and ending any chance to go further forward. Your problem now is you have a long history of trolling here and hardly anyone is ever going to take you seriously and nor should they. It's hard to take anyone serious when you have no respect for them.