Problem with my Scantronic Alarm

What's on Zone 11?

At this point it sounds like it may be a good idea to leave it in Installer Mode until the engineer comes out lol

Sounds like there are alot of faults on the system.

You could try looking in the log (key in 90 and tick from the "Installer Mode" banner. 1 will scroll backwards in time, 3 will scroll forwards, X will exit the log) and find out what's happened that way.
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there is no Zone11 - lol only upto 10

last one was "Batt FLT RSTR" and thats it

Is there a way to power down the system and power it back up?
Yes, but I would'nt recommend it (I doubt it will fix anything) and you neighbours won't thank you.

As I said, probably best to sit tight and wait until the engineer comes.
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