Davies should just delay, delay and delay more. Barnier has to go back to the EU in October to update them on the talks. If there is no agreement on any of the three points which they insisted on dealing with first ('exit bill', NI, citizens' rights) then Barnier will be seen to have failed at the first hurdle.
It will then occur to many in the EU heirarchy that the UK may not be the pushover that they first thought (as opposed to when Cameron came back with a few crumbs). Those in the EU who depend on trade with the UK will then start to put pressure on their governments to reach a deal. Among many others, this will include Spanish citrus growers, Dutch flower sellers, car manufacturers and so on. This is where the interests of companies and individual countries in the EU differ from the EUs' own empire-building objectives.
Those who read the Guardian are led to believe that the UK is weak/has nothing to offer/finished/can't survive without the comfort blanket of the EU etc. Hopefully our negotiators will do their job and disown them of that belief.