Project 2025 the thing Trump voters said had nothing to do with Trump

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It is fascinating.

Vance seemed to be saying yesterday that as long as a President believes he has the power to do something, then a court shouldn't be able to challenge him. Sounds like our first King Charles.
Divine Right went back to Richard II, who picked up the idea at the French court while learning to blow his nose like a civilised person. The Baron's kicked him off the throne for being such a sissy and told him to use his fingers like a real king.
its interesting how the MAGAs on here dont want to admit its Project 2025 which he is busy putting in place

we have explained to these MAGAs how Trump will make the lives of ordinary Americans worse, but we cant understand it for them.
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fascists will laugh away your concerns until the moment they have the power, and then they will abruptly insist the time for jokes has passed.

Trump says pre election: “Project 2025, don’t worry it’s nothing to do with me at all”

Trump post election “We are now full steam ahead with Project 2025, your life is going to be sh1t”