Its the same nationalistic nonsense pumped out by the Leave campaign,Ken, give yer heed a shake, given future prospects who in their right mind would vote for independence?, tell me, for my amusement, what would the advantages be?
Its the same nationalistic nonsense pumped out by the Leave campaign,
Ironic how you can see the stupidity when its someone else.
"Scotland can take back control"
"No longer rule by remote government"
"We will be better off"
Its the same rubbish.
Not for the UK of course since it had the highest growth in that period of any EU country including Germany...and another union that has been a failure inside 40 years
So do tell us how that 40+ year union has been a failure
'predicted' being the operative word...And the IMF predicted growth rate for EU countries (inc UK at time of posting) in the next 2 years is?
No you haven'tHave already posted this answer.
'predicted' being the operative word...
As opposed to a proven 40+ year fact!
Mind you their 'predictions' do show the UK lagging behind the EU average, so maybe you do have a point...
And of course their optimistic 'prediction' for the UK is based on an orderly exit, not a no-deal!
So do tell us how that 40+ year union has been a failure
You have a union that has been successful for 300 years and another union that has been a failure inside 40 years and notch is making a comparison between the two. Hilarious
An independent UK could have operated to standards higher than those imposed on the UK by the EU.
European Union is the worlds biggest trade bloc and is the biggest trade partner to China, the worlds biggest econony.
By what definition is it a failure?
In any case, the same dumb nationalistic arguments for independance have been used for bot.