Project Fear ...bunkum ........Leave is being proved the sensible vote.

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Does 'sick man of europe' ring any bells?


And you point is,

Was being part of the EU essential to the sick man's recovery ?

The reason Britain joined what was then the EEC in 1973 (at the third attempt) was, in large part, a desperate attempt to find a way of forcing the country to become more competitive. Whether Europe was the key factor, or whether it was Margaret Thatcher’s reforms, by the mid-1990s, the trick seemed to have worked.

European Economic Community. and NOT the European Union that started evolving during the late 1970 to become the EU that exists today,
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Maybe the UK could have performed even better without that union.

An independent UK could have operated to standards higher than those imposed on the UK by the EU.

Some of the standards that Germany wanted the EU to adopt were beyond the ability of some of the countries so the EU refused Gemany's request for them to made mandatory. This was the EU being fair to it's poorer / less able members.

Achieving harmonisation is a compromise.
What you are saying is an example of EU democracy in action.

The EU have taken regulations from all the countries and made them standard.
The EU have adopted many British Standards.
The massive benefit of the single market is that it cuts trade friction to virtually nothing.

Brexiteers conflate harmonisation of regulations with 'EU bureaucracy'.
Whether Europe was the key factor, or whether it was Margaret Thatcher’s reforms, by the mid-1990s, the trick seemed to have worked.
And funnily enough the 'trick' worked whilst we were a member of the EEC/EU, regardless of whether we had a tory /labour/coalition government...

So how about you tell us what life was like outside of that EEC/EU regardless of the make up of the UK government compared to the proven success we have had within the EEC/EU?

The economic figures (not predictions) don't lie!
The reason Britain joined what was then the EEC in 1973 (at the third attempt) was, in large part, a desperate attempt to find a way of forcing the country to become more competitive. Whether Europe was the key factor, or whether it was Margaret Thatcher’s reforms, by the mid-1990s, the trick seemed to have worked

So what you are saying is that the UK, whilst part of Europe has the political freedom to control its own economy and finances.

So the EU is not the imposing federal state that brexiteers make it out to be.

In fact the UK has had the freedom to be a relatively low regulation, low tax region within the EU.
And control of 98% of its finances
Yes the UK improved according to the economic figures. But did it improve as much as it could have done outside the EU.

That cannot be answered so do not try.
The UK improved more than any other EEC/EU country and also the US - a simple fact!

Could it have improved better? As you say 'who knows'...

But quitters claim that the UK will be better off outside the EU with not a jot of evidence to back that up...

Some say it will take the UK up to 50 years to get to where it is now...

So what made you choose to jump off the cliff on a 'promise', and take everyone else with you?

But leaving the economic argument aside, could you tell us why the generations to come not being able to enjoy the Europe-wide life choice options that we have enjoyed for decades is a good thing?
One of the most accurate and insightful articles I've read in the last 3 years. Thankyou Gasbanni.
My pleasure last a balanced article ......and by a German ( meant in the sense that he isn't English and so can't really be thought of as biased in the Brexit debate ).
By what definition is it a failure?

On the basis where you have a central government practicing usury on its own citizens, profiting from them getting poorer. That is the eurozone.
On the basis of immigration where the eu continues to actively neglect the needs of Europeans.
And has fueled ethnic and religious hatred.
On the basis it takes away the sovereignty of individual nations in order to make decisions for nations as a whole. Don’t believe me? watch your beloved dictator Guy Verhofstadt in action .......
Scotland will just love that guy.LoL
On the basis of no accountability by the commissionars. Voters have no say on what these dictators tell us to do.
It makes the legislative process remote, and unresponsive to people’s needs.
On the basis of the drunkard president junker.
He has no experience, nor qualifications in being the head of the legislature of 28 European countries and 513 million people.And yet you left wing returds find the time to berate trump.
And on the basis that a member state is about to leave.
Their is no benefit to being in the eu. Never was and never will be.
It was an illusion. You were conned by the biggest group of fraudsters in history.
It was never thought out properly. It was a knee jerk reaction to WW2.
A money spinner for an european elitist cartel.
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Maybe the UK could have performed even better without that union.

An independent UK could have operated to standards higher than those imposed on the UK by the EU

Remoaners crystal balls only paint a bleak picture for the UK outside the eu.
You can't expect them to say anything different.
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So what made you choose to jump off the cliff on a 'promise', and take everyone else with you?
That’s choice, coming from someone who jumped from the UK to fukknowswhere, taking a partner and their highly educated children with them. Dunno what you’re getting your knickers in a twist for, you’re not even in the UK. Are you? You did leave like you said you had, didn't you? Where was it again? Oh, that’s right, you can’t say. Data protection and all that......:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
On the basis where you have a central government practicing usury on its own citizens, profiting from them getting poorer. That is the eurozone.
On the basis of immigration where the eu continues to actively neglect the needs of Europeans.
And has fueled ethnic and religious hatred.
On the basis it takes away the sovereignty of individual nations in order to make decisions for nations as a whole. Don’t believe me? watch your beloved dictator Guy Verhofstadt in action .......
Scotland will just love that guy.LoL
On the basis of no accountability by the commissionars. Voters have no say on what these dictators tell us to do.
It makes the legislative process remote, and unresponsive to people’s needs.
On the basis of the drunkard president junker.
He has no experience, nor qualifications in being the head of the legislature of 28 European countries and 513 million people.And yet you left wing returds find the time to berate trump.
And on the basis that a member state is about to leave.
Their is no benefit to being in the eu. Never was and never will be.
It was an illusion. You were conned by the biggest group of fraudsters in history.
It was never thought out properly. It was a knee jerk reaction to WW2.
A money spinner for an european elitist cartel.
Ok. You believe that. So why do you draw the lines where you do?

What I don't understand about those who believe it is why they don't think the same about the UK.

Surely for the same reasons Yorkshire (or any part) should want to leave the UK - and, if achieved, then York would want to leave Yorkshire.

Should New York State leave the US?
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