Propaganda ... true or false, racist or not ?

Looks and sounds like xenophobic anti-immigration propaganda.
You're still far more likely to be attacked by an indigenous lowlife. People need to worry more about crime in their local area and less about the fear of immigration.


I don't get that argument. We have our own low lifes. Fact Throughout history we have our own low life's born and bred in mother England.

How do you use this to defend someone from a foreign land who either comes to this country to live a better life or do us harm.. Does not live by our laws and hurts people.

If you were on a desert island with 10 English people 2 of who were nutters that you were all scared of.! And then another nutter turned up on a raft speaking French.
Would you think, oh well another nutter won't make a difference.
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I am not defending anybody, just saying that the propaganda not very factually correct.

Do you have proof that a greater percentage of immigrants are criminals than the local population?

From my experience, most immigrants are here to work hard, or are fleeing violence. And research seems to support this. In fact, studies have revealed that more immigration led to a fall in crime. Of course, this is why there is so much aggression towards experts and universities these days - they have a habit of debunking the lies.

Some research:
  • The foreign-born share of the population is unrelated to violent crime according to the most recent research findings.
  • A rise in A8 migrants as a share of the population is associated with a 0.4% fall in property crime and has no relationship to violent crime
The statistics do not seem to agree with the propaganda.

Rising crime does seem to correlate very well with both police cuts and MP wage increases though. Seems the wrong people are being blamed, again. But blame the lefties and liberals, as that will keep your share portfolios and offshore funds in good health.
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Do you have proof that a greater percentage of immigrants are criminals than the local population?

No. But thats neither here nor there.

Is that an answer to. My questions?

What do you say when England fans go to world cup and some cause trouble.
Is it OK because they are far out numbered by the Local hooligans ?

Is it OK to call them English football hooligans?? Because a greater number of English men and women {and other} are there to suck up the culture and enjoy the football and make friends
Of course that's not OK to cause trouble.
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From my experience, most immigrants are here to work hard, or are fleeing violence.

Me too Most are a far improvement to some of the people I've grown up amoungs. But I still don't want their scum just because we have our own scum
A question I.e

What proportion of the prison population are travellers / gypsies

Call them what u will . This question was brought up on the radio a few weeks back
Me too Most are a far improvement to some of the people I've grown up amoungs. But I still don't want their scum just because we have our own scum

I agree. But we can't just stop all immigration because some are bad. That would be like banning all football supporters because some are bad.
I agree. But we can't just stop all immigration because some are bad. That would be like banning all football supporters because some are bad.

I worked for a Bulgarian family today.
The whole family are fabulously lovely people.. Great chat She paid me £25 more than I asked the gave us £30 each tip.. She's happy because she's founds a decent plumber. I'm happy because Ive met a lovely family.. (Elle will say I'm making this family up.)

I can honestly say my Eastern Earopean customers are better than my English customers..

Do I want Bulgarian gangsters or thugs..
NO I don't. We have enough of our own.
I w

Go on tell us

If I recall it was 5% which given the size of the community in the population is very high amongst the highest if I recall

This fact was brought up in a doc / prog that was interviewing many from. The community

The prog was about stero typing people ect ect
If I recall it was 5% which given the size of the community in the population is very high amongst the highest if I recall

This fact was brought up in a doc / prog that was interviewing many from. The community

The prog was about stero typing people ect ect

If a traveler group turned up on a field by me. Cleared all the litter with their pickers that the locals dropped. Come and do jobs of a good quality that they paid tax on and brought business to the local businesses and coursed no problems. I'd welcome their visit...

But very little of the above is true in reality.
It is an oversimplification.

It doesnt help solve snything by identifying a particular group of individuals from one nationality or religion and then use that to target all of that community.

What it does is create division.

The common example in this country is radicalised Islamic terrorists. Despite these people kill all nationalities and religions, it is easy to blame Muslims, even though the vast majority are peace loving people.

Actually it says in the Qur'an to kill infidels who don't proclaim Mohammed as the one true God and that's a fact. You don't have a problem living next door to that ? It's a ticking time bomb if you ask me and it's a fundamentalist ideology and yet politicians in the west are quite happy to flock millions of these ****ing cave dwellers into our towns and cities.

It's also become quite obvious that a good portion of the white British population have been corrupted by the hippie neo-liberal dross. Years and years of racial equality brain washing has literally left most people unable to think for themselves, they just have these programmes in their head which they vomit out whenever anyone raises a concern about immigration or grooming gangs or terrorism.

The truth is there is a seriou problem with mass immigration and uncontrolled immigration. No, people who point this out are not xenophobic or racist. They are concerned for themselves, their families and their communities - what's left of them.
I worked for a Bulgarian family today.
I can honestly say my Eastern Earopean customers are better than my English customers..

Do I want Bulgarian gangsters or thugs..
NO I don't. We have enough of our own.

I agree entirely. But, you'd never have those wonderful clients if we closed our borders.
On the plus side, some of our British born criminals choose to work overseas.

It's all swings and roundabouts really.
I am not defending anybody, just saying that the propaganda not very factually correct.

Do you have proof that a greater percentage of immigrants are criminals than the local population?

From my experience, most immigrants are here to work hard, or are fleeing violence. And research seems to support this. In fact, studies have revealed that more immigration led to a fall in crime. Of course, this is why there is so much aggression towards experts and universities these days - they have a habit of debunking the lies.

Some research:
  • The foreign-born share of the population is unrelated to violent crime according to the most recent research findings.
  • A rise in A8 migrants as a share of the population is associated with a 0.4% fall in property crime and has no relationship to violent crime
The statistics do not seem to agree with the propaganda.

Rising crime does seem to correlate very well with both police cuts and MP wage increases though. Seems the wrong people are being blamed, again. But blame the lefties and liberals, as that will keep your share portfolios and offshore funds in good health.

What are utter sh1t you talk, do you live within 10 miles of any major city ? Do you live in London, have you ever lived in London ? Ever been to Bradford or Rotherham ?

You are suffering from a serious case of cognitive dissonance and I suggest you go and join Johd and noseal on the naughty step.
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