Propaganda ... true or false, racist or not ?

This isn't about Muslims this is about the result of mass unfettered immigration that started with Jack Straw when he was home secretary under the Blair government. The major cities are littered with third world problems and are rapidly becoming third world. Rapes, acid attacks, honour killings, genital mulitation, extreme violence. These are inhereted cultural phenomenons. All of the gun and knife violence in this country is committed by blacks, and/ or those with predominately black heritage. This is a stastical fact. You socialist liberals should ask yourself how much damage do you want to cause this country ? Do you really despise yourself that much that you would willingly let your country be destroyed in such a way ? I guess so.
socialist liberals

I agree with alot .. I don't think Notch is a socialist Liberal Unless he's a plant.

Knife and gun crime is not just a black problem. In proportion it is more of a problem.

Mass uncontroled immigration has had a negative effect on this country.

Why don't we control immigration by welcoming the good and needed, and deport who ever chooses to be a criminal and ignore our values
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All of the gun and knife violence in this country is committed by blacks, and/ or those with predominately black heritage. This is a stastical fact. .

That is the biggest lie I have read so far. So, the person that recently threatened to stab me, and assaulted me, and also threatened a 14 year old girl locally, who looked very white, has a traditional English name, was in fact, a black immigrant? And Bradley B, just up the road, who shot a guy outside our backwater bubble petrol station in Chelmsford, was also a black immigrant? And every week there are more stories. in fact, an 11 year old had a knife pulled on him in Danbury this week. Danbury is not what you would call multicultural.

These are just a few recent examples of violence near where I live. But, just like most locals who have their head in the sand about growing violence by county lines gangs, you also seem to think that whites are all innocent and all our problems are due to immigration.
I expected you don't live in London you live in a backwater bubble somewhere.
I said "and then I moved to Chelmsford" - it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to work out that I don't live in London! If you want to believe Chelmsford is a backwater bubble that's your decision.
We work at several schools one is where the children are up to 17 years old

The discipline and behaviour is a total disgrace . They pretty much do what they like . Most if em are on medication there are 2 full time nurses dishing out syndrome drugs to them :LOL:
Bring back the cane, it would be cheaper than drugs and a lot more effective.
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Bring back the cane, it would be cheaper than drugs and a lot more effective.

Bring back discipline at home surely?

It is, or should be the responsibility of parents to instill discipline and respect, not that of schools or other parts of society.

But then you come back to another issue. Too busy working to survive, too little time, energy and money to be parents.

Lets just blame the left wing (anybody not far right) for all of societys problems though
Yeah. There's always been bad in society, and I have met people who have literally been ruined by their parents - they were good kids but turned into criminals because of their upbringing. Good people raise good kids.

But the problem we have now is that poverty is increasing, policing is decreasing, and welfare in decline. This will always result in the same thing - increased crime. Having spent time in countries where there is no welfare state and poor policing, I've seen how poverty clearly increases criminal activity. We used to have it good here, but the last 10 years things have gone south.

We need to fix policing and welfare to solve growing crime. It's that simple. But it won't happen until the screaming liberals and leftie hippies are back in control of the country, because Rees-Mogg, May, and the other super rich Tories really don't give a flying toss about the peasants. So long as the crime is not on their patch, they don't see a problem.
Part of the problem is that the Tories are trying to run the country on the cheap,
They don't want to spend money on policing, prisons, health or anything else, they are philosophically bankrupt, they have no vision to which the majority of people could aspire to.
The Brexit distraction is why they are still in power , how else can a serial incompetent like Theresa May be explained.
Politics in the UK is more polarised than it has been for a very long time, you have the likes of Jeremy Corbyn who 30 years ago was on the fringes of the fringes he is now in the mainstream ,so something must have changed because Jeremy certainly hasn't.
People often take an extreme response to a problem. For years we the politics of the centre ground, and there was not a lot of difference between Blair and Major etc.
But then we've had 8 years of austerity and right wing policies, so naturally, some people will respond by leaning further to the left and calling for ending austerity, more taxation, more welfare etc.
There is no point going back to the centre ground, which is perceived to have failed the country.
Do you have proof that a greater percentage of immigrants are criminals than the local population?

The proof is there for anyone who wants to see it.

Why is Sweden the rape capital of Europe, and not somewhere like Poland?

Why Is London the European capital with the highest murder rate, and not somewhere like Prague which is also a European capital city?

Hint. There is one common denominator that makes Sweden and London very different from Poland and Prague. A common denominator that you seem totally blind to. Or maybe a common denominator that you would like everyone to ignore, deny or pretend isn't happening.
Me too Most are a far improvement to some of the people I've grown up amoungs. But I still don't want their scum just because we have our own scum

Precisely, and that's the problem. There's a lack of control over exactly who we get and also numbers.

Some, mainly Eastern European, will make a positive contribution. Others will just be a constant expense and problematic.

It seems obvious that Europeans can assimilate quite easily into our society. Others from Africa, Asia and Arabic countries will never fully integrate because they are at odds with our society and values. This often turns to disaffection leading to crime, often violent crime including terrorism.
The proof is there for anyone who wants to see it.

Why is Sweden the rape capital of Europe, and not somewhere like Poland?

Why Is London the European capital with the highest murder rate, and not somewhere like Prague which is also a European capital city?

Hint. There is one common denominator that makes Sweden and London very different from Poland and Prague. A common denominator that you seem totally blind to. Or maybe a common denominator that you would like everyone to ignore, deny or pretend isn't happening.

Lets just address 1 of your unsubstantiated claims. Others are already showing you up on some of your other headline claims.

We know from all of the above that comparing rape statistics between countries is an error-prone process, but what about the other argument often put forward: that there has been a "dramatic rise in sexual crime" in Sweden caused by its intake of refugees?

Again, it doesn't ring true, and this time because the numbers don't add up. According to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), the number of rapes reported annually in the country per 100,000 citizens has been relatively steady for almost a decade.

In 2016 there were 67 reported rapes per 100,000 people, 60 in 2015, 69 in 2014, 63 in 2013, 66 in 2012, 69 in 2011, 64 in 2010 and 2009, 59 in 2008 and 52 in 2007.

Those figures show there was actually a 12 percent dip in the number of rapes reported in Sweden in 2015 – the year the country received a record 163,000 asylum applications, at the peak of the refugee crisis.

But don't let real information get in the way .
So I take it you couldn't prove me wrong, and that's the best you've got?

I have posted several facts in my post, feel free to try to prove them wrong. But you'll have to do the legwork yourself.

If they are facts then you can provide evidence. Lets start with the first. London is full of immigrants?

London is a world class city that will attract the best and the worst like all cities. Have you ever been to DC? I could take you on a 5 minute walk around the back of the US Capitol building and its abject poverty and gun crime.
Why is Sweden the rape capital of Europe

That is not actually correct.

Sweden broadened its definition of rape in 2005, so many more cases are reported. Many cases are acts which would not be recorded as rape in other countries, so the stats are skewed.

The Julian Assange case was an example -it woudlnt be rape in most other coutnries
"The proof is there for anyone who wants to see it."
You have no proof for any of those statements, do you? Come on, share it. All the research I can find suggests otherwise. Articles on the Express and Daily Mail do not count as proof.

1. Sweden. Crime is reported differently in Sweden - the crime is reported as rape when a person says they were raped. In other countries, the stat is when somebody is convicted of rape.
BBC answer:

2. London the European capital with the highest murder rate?
the statistics suggest otherwise

I am struggling to see London on the lists ....

Where is the proof?
It's a ticking time bomb if you ask me and it's a fundamentalist ideology and yet politicians in the west are quite happy to flock millions of these ****ing cave dwellers into our towns and cities.

Yes, the treacherous politicians are quite happy for them to flock here, because they won't be living next to them. Their kids won't be going to school with them. The politicians won't have a mosque on their doorsteps. The politicians won't have their communities changed.

It's ordinary people like us that will have all the social problems, etc, etc to deal with. There's something very sinister and corrupt going on with the whole issue, not just here, but in Europe, US, Oz, Nz, etc, etc.

But the flakes want us to look away and ignore the problem.
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