Propaganda ... true or false, racist or not ?

I blame the Romans, Angles, Saxons, Vikings, and Normans .....
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Whilst were fighting with eachother it takes the heat off them. Divide and conker innit. :confused:

That's it in a nutshell. The libertards on here don't see it though. The authorities import the 3rd world in numbers which are designed to create tensions and conflict with the indigenous population. While the different factions (they will never mix) fight it out, the bigger picture of what the establishment is really up to gets overlooked. The establishment that the liberals on here are unwittingly supporting, because the establishment wants mass immigration and remaining in The EU. The liberal bien pensants on here and elsewhere are just useful idiots for the establishment. But they won't change their view even if they are intelligent enough to suddenly see what's going on, because they would never admit to being wrong.
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Wonder what the end game is???

Well if we listen to Galahad, Johnbey, JohnD and any number of other gullibles on here - they will try to convince others that what they see happening to society with their own eyes is just their racist imagination. They're totally dishonest, but get some odd kick out of trying to take the moral high ground.

It's only one example, but an example of the sort of savagery their naïve stupidity is encouraging in the link below. This is the savagery they want for this country, you and your kids. This is the future they would inflict on everyone. Not rivers of blood yet, but there's big streaks of it on the shopping centre's floor.
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You missed Canada. 1 in 5 were born outside of Canada. Far less crime than America
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Of course, the libertards are trying to use smoke and mirrors to cover up the real truth. They forget that there are always immigrants who will be an asset, and immigrants who will always be a liability. For those who aren't blinkered, it's easy to tell the two groups apart. The ones turning London into a war zone or running around Luton shopping centres hacking each other with machetes fall into the second category.

Also, which areas of US cities will ALWAYS have the highest levels of violence, gun crime and murder? Not even the flakes can spin their way out of that fact.
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You want me to start naming the poorest areas until you reach boiling point?

I'm perfectly calm. Enoch is patrolling. (y)

The thing is, there's a large council estate about a mile from me. There are large numbers of what would be classed as poorer people living there - many on benefits. Perfectly safe to walk through day or night. No one has ever been shot there. There aren't any gangs, unless you count the local scouts. Can't remember anyone ever being knifed there or having a machete used on them. I don't doubt that there are drugs there, but the business seems to be conducted in a low key fashion. No one has ever had acid thrown at them. Worst violence I have heard about there in recent years was a fight between two locals after a couple too many ciders outside the late chip shop. The only child grooming goes on at the local barbers shop.

Have you worked out why this poor area doesn't suffer from frightening levels of savagery? The sort of savagery seen in poor areas of London, for example.
Many have grown up in poverty since the dawn of man. No shoes, let alone the latest Nikes or track suits. ninety percent of The Uk lived in poverty until very recently. They didn't use it as an excuse for savagery, gang violence and other crimes. Try again, liberal. Certain groups pull themselves out of poverty, others perpetuate it and leach of off others - always needing handouts. That's why the 3rd world is beating a path to Europe. They can't make a go of anything themselves, now they want a free ride here.
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If that's what you believe, mate. If you're really in France, go to Paris or Calais an enlighten yourself.

I have been to Paris and Calais, and other noted hotspots, including Malmo, Hamburg, Koln, Nice, Copenhagen, Brussels, Leeds, Bradford, to name a few.

I have not been murdered, stabbed, raped, mugged, violently assaulted or simply robbed. A close friend has been broken into. The culprit was a white Brit.

So, what does all that mean ?
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