Pukka saucepans wanted

buy aluminium non-stick and throw them away when they get worn.

or get iron friers and don't wash them.

stainless will not do.

Agree with John here, we sorta have a 2-tier, daily stuff and for meals/serving.

For daily stuff scrambled eggs omlettes which are both a c.. to get off stainless, i use a cheap Alu-non stick pot and pan. The only issue i had was we mostly use induction so had a sep hob for Wok and non induction.

Used some of the 'quality' non stick brands which end up very expensive sticky pans. One i complained to the manufacturer as it had a 10year guarantee they refused to replace saying i was cooking things too hot, and there's me thinking i was a pretty good chef in my spare time.

Rest is iron(always cook my steaks in iron pan) or Stainless which neither i use for daily stuff for due to cleaning time (can't tolerate dirty pans all must shine)

Intrigued about Granite non stick i had one pan it seemed to be good to start with but tailed off quick.
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