I'd hate to have a deadline time like 1:30pm to finish by!
imho its up to you. You will need
1) good attitude
2) intelligence.
I took a chap who'd done an engineering degree, on a job. I put one rad on a wall, explaining everything I was doing. Then I watched as he did the next one, explaining everything he was doing. The place had differing walls. I said I was going to stand on each one and he wouldn't get paid unless they all stayed on the walls.
It took him 3 days to do the remaining 20 rads, with valves and tails into the floor.
He got paid.
We carried on in similar way. WHile I was doing the boilers he did much of the piping labour.
There was one small leak on one compression fitting.
He's employable.
imho its up to you. You will need
1) good attitude
2) intelligence.
I took a chap who'd done an engineering degree, on a job. I put one rad on a wall, explaining everything I was doing. Then I watched as he did the next one, explaining everything he was doing. The place had differing walls. I said I was going to stand on each one and he wouldn't get paid unless they all stayed on the walls.
It took him 3 days to do the remaining 20 rads, with valves and tails into the floor.
He got paid.
We carried on in similar way. WHile I was doing the boilers he did much of the piping labour.
There was one small leak on one compression fitting.
He's employable.