Question Time: Kennedy, Howard, Blair...

I think we did did ban the British section of the nazi party, didn't we?

In germany the Nazi party banned its opposition parties. Well, probably shot them. Is that an example of the same principle?
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david and julie said:
Thought they would of thrown the asylum seeker out to be honest.

Mr Dimbleby came on the TV and said that there was a cross section of the VOTING public in the audience. So who the hell invited the gobsh*t onto the debate when he should think himself lucky he got across the channel. Asylum Seekers do not vote so he should not of even been there. Disgusting :evil:
petewood said:
Richardp said:
I'm not saying that I disagree (I need time to chew it over) but if we could go back in time do you think that we should ban the Nazi party and /or Hitler ? :?:

Who would decide which parties to ban?

Well I know, that's what I mean, We are told not to forget, otherwise we won't learn, but what good will that do us if some extreme right wing party was voted in and decided that we should exterminate people whose first name begins with "D", its sounds daft but could happen easily. and nearly has recently in France and Austria. what do you reakon :?:
How would you feel about banning all left wing parties and exterminating anyone who's name begins with "R" richard?
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david and julie said:
How would you feel about banning all left wing parties and exterminating anyone who's name begins with "R" richard?
not happy Dave :cry:
Adam W wrote

I agree with Dave that the BNP should be allowed to exist as its existence shows that there is something wrong here. If they are allowed to speak properly, some of their supporters might decide to change their minds, some who believe they are fascists may decide that they aren't so bad after all. I won't be voting for them, but it is your right to vote for them if you wish. The day that right is taken away is a sad day for British politics.

That just about says it all though Voltaire put it better: "I disagree with what you are saying but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I remember the riots outside NF meetings. (And PIE meetings too - and judging by the lack of comments I guess there isn't anybody else who remembers them.) The only thing those rent-a-mob morons achieved was to give their enemies a respectability they didn't deserve.

PS: I won't be voting BNP either.
Richardp said:
petewood said:
Richardp said:
I'm not saying that I disagree (I need time to chew it over) but if we could go back in time do you think that we should ban the Nazi party and /or Hitler ? :?:

Who would decide which parties to ban?

Well I know, that's what I mean, We are told not to forget, otherwise we won't learn, but what good will that do us if some extreme right wing party was voted in and decided that we should exterminate people whose first name begins with "D", its sounds daft but could happen easily. and nearly has recently in France and Austria. what do you reakon :?:

Who would decide which parties to ban?
jasy said:
david and julie said:
Thought they would of thrown the asylum seeker out to be honest.

Mr Dimbleby came on the TV and said that there was a cross section of the VOTING public in the audience. So who the hell invited the gobsh*t onto the debate when he should think himself lucky he got across the channel. Asylum Seekers do not vote so he should not of even been there. Disgusting :evil:
Is that the tory way of doing things then? Eject those that don't follow your viewpoint!
Whosays he does not have a vote? All you have to do is write your name in the form the council sends tound automatically.
Damocles said:
Whosays he does not have a vote? All you have to do is write your name in the form the council sends tound automatically.
cue the condescending remarks about them not being able to read and write!
kendor said:
jasy said:
david and julie said:
Thought they would of thrown the asylum seeker out to be honest.

Mr Dimbleby came on the TV and said that there was a cross section of the VOTING public in the audience. So who the hell invited the gobsh*t onto the debate when he should think himself lucky he got across the channel. Asylum Seekers do not vote so he should not of even been there. Disgusting :evil:
Is that the tory way of doing things then? Eject those that don't follow your viewpoint!

Nah ! Eject them as haven't paid their bus fare ... The equivalent of giving up their seat for a pensioner ..

;) Howling Laud Hope, poses with the flag and Baron ******.
kendor said:
Damocles said:
Whosays he does not have a vote? All you have to do is write your name in the form the council sends tound automatically.
cue the condescending remarks about them not being able to read and write!
On the application form from the council there is a declaration about nationality and your right to vote. The form also contains details of penalties for procuring an illegitimate vote. This also applies to postal vote applications to prevent fraud(like the ethnic labour candidates did). Asylum seekers are not entitled to vote and would therefore be telling lies on the application form if they did indeed get a vote.

In this instance I would say the programme producers were wrong in the comment about a true cross section of the voting public. In no way was the audience this, I would guess that at least 1/3rd of them were of ethnic origin, which is not the case in society in general. The producers obviously included both these and the asylum seekers to provoke argument.

The argumantative and agressive asylum seeker should of been met at the door and escorted to the nearest airport. I noticed he was hassling MH and cheering and clapping TB. Perhaps this is the reason we have so many, if they are all labour sympathisers.

Did any of you see the show?
kendor said:
jasy said:
david and julie said:
Thought they would of thrown the asylum seeker out to be honest.

Mr Dimbleby came on the TV and said that there was a cross section of the VOTING public in the audience. So who the hell invited the gobsh*t onto the debate when he should think himself lucky he got across the channel. Asylum Seekers do not vote so he should not of even been there. Disgusting :evil:
Is that the tory way of doing things then? Eject those that don't follow your viewpoint!

Kendor, the Kermit the frog elections are next month :rolleyes:
I fancy those forms from the council also say something threatening about what will happen to you if you do not fill it in and send it back.

So, someone who has a rather dodgy legal existence in this country has an opportunity to get his name onto a list which identifies people on it as British citizens.......

When exactly was the last time someone was sent to jail for making a false declaration on a form to register to vote?
Ok, so you are an English clerk checking through received forms ... here and there you find names which you cannot even pronounce, and therefore would have difficulty in remembering, further, one may differ from another by perhaps two characters etc, etc.
Do you instigate a check on the apparent persons ? Do you think, 'In this pile of forms there are only 20 out of 100 ... We cannot afford to proof them all .. it may not be seen as PC .. complaints may ensue which I am not paid sufficiently to want to handle ... less hassel to receive a knuckle rap off the boss, that is if he has no PC fears.. So carry on and place the 20 forms with the ok'd bunch.'
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