Do you really mean that?I will concede that I haven't met anyone who didn't "understand" that a "100 fnargles" bulb uses more fnargles than a "50 fnargles" bulb. But I can assure you, though it seems you'll not want to accept this, the vast majority of the population really, genuinely cannot relate the "50 fnargles" rating of the bulb to the kilofnarglehours on their bill.
Do you really mean that these people, no matter how much they think about it, really are utterly incapable of coming to understand it?
Is that because they really do lack the mental capacity to understand it, no matter what they do, or is it because they just cannot be bothered to think?As has been pointed out before, to the vast majority of people, "kWH" is just some meaningless random jumble of letters.