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I'd be given short shrift for doing that, i'm sure. Pilots are really, really nervous abut strangers approaching the cockpit these days.
If i assume it's going across Ukraine next, better make sure the transponder is switched on - let's say there's another 25 countries to go.
the Pilot's door is a highly secure thing, since a long time now. I've been on quite a lot of little old things much like Dakotas on short hops in Africa, where the door was held open with a bit of tribal beadwork and if you lingered at the door you were invited in. If you were enthusiatic to see what they've got (nav eqpt)I always found them very happy to show, ask what you've flown and so on.
Aeroflot always had a guy by the cockpit door with a lumpy pistol like a Tokorov, ready to shoot any prospective hijacker.

We got to Latvia. Latvia doesn't border on Ukraine. But it does border on the next country, #4 Russia. Russia is big, so as you'd guess there aren't very many countries left, so not 25.
It's a long flight across Russia - Longest trip i had was across America, going to California on a DC10. Fourteen hours! Good in-flight film, though; 'The Eagle has Landed', but dad used his Rolls-Royce pass and a bit of guff to get us into the cockpit flying over the mid-west. A bit of cloud but the view was amazing. The range of switches, dials, buttons and lights was intimidating but all i could do was make certain i touched nothing.

Surely this flight has to go south at Japan, down through the Phillippines....let's say 30.
I've flown (as a passenger) over the north. Laconic announcement came out - "on your left, ladies and gentlemen, there's a pole down there".

The live views from the ISS https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/ESRS/HDEV/ can be cool, when it's somewhere you recognise.

The Great Circle doesn't go near Japan, after Russia it's Kazakhstan. No, it's fewer than 30.
Next is CHINA
so that's

Are we nearly there yet?
Last time I flew I went via Bangkok. Thevtime before that I flew via Singapore ✨️. via Hong Kong is another route.
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