Radicalisation under our very noses.

Around 10 times over represented in U.K. jails, when compared to the general population. So either we are very good at finding them and locking them up or we do indeed have a problem brewing.
It si a problem, but it's been present for a long time. It's systemic racism within the justice system.

Systemic racism within UK criminal justice system a serious concern: UN human rights experts​

Racism in the United Kingdom is “structural, institutional and systemic”, independent UN human rights experts said on Friday, warning that people of African descent in the country continue to encounter discrimination and erosion of their fundamental rights.
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There's a simple remedy: appoint Imams to serve the inmates needs, just like preists and other clerics are employed to serve the needs of the other religions. :rolleyes:

But Mottie is right, there is radicalisation under our very noses. It's just not limited to the religious section that Mottie likes to promote. There's an awful lot of radicalisation takes place in social media like this one. The obvious culprits for promoting that radicalisation are Mottie, ReganandCarter, Motorbiking, lower, sillyboy, et al.
. Won’t happen again though, will it? :rolleyes:
If UK support, finance and defend genocide in the Middle East, there's a good chance it'll stir up trouble for the future.
It's to be expected if a country supports mass murder on the scale we're seeing currently.
Any country supporting such behaviour as this should expect there to be consequences.

West Bank strike: Israel accused of targeting civilians in deadly attack​

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Few on the outside not happy.

A story repeated from the Jewish chronicle.

Masked mob targets Jewish youth group for hosting British IDF soldier​

In the curent climate, it's pretty absurd and stupid to invite an IDF soldier to give a talk to young men. It's pretty obvious that many , many IDF soldiers have committed murder in and around Gaza.

It's like Britain inviting a memebr of the Gestapo to give a talk in, say Cambridge Uni. during WW2 :rolleyes:

But your post is in the right thread:
A Jewish charity to help disaffected young boys
It's exactly the kind of audience that are easily radicalised. :rolleyes:
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A story repeated from the Jewish chronicle.

In the curent climate, it's pretty absurd to invite an IDF soldier to give a talk to young men. It's pretty obviou that many , many IDF soldiers have committed murder in and around Gaza.
Gantman would know that if he bothered to look at both sides of a story.
Islam is the next great war in Europe.

It's a cruel religion of war and makes medieval Catholicism look like child's play.

It's not at all compatible with modern life.

My only hope is that the surge in modern nihalism stops it else the future of modern society is seriously at risk.
Could we have those police back from the seventies who took great delight in knocking seven bells out of miners please, not this shower who should be done under the trade descriptions act.
Y'all been feeding on too much GBnews and become drunk on Kool-Ayd.
Chillax. :cool:
Meanwhile this country has an open door policy to Islamic fruit cake extremists ??
How can you tell which Muslims are Islamic fruit cake extremists?
In the same way that you can tell which Catholics are sex abusers?
Or which IDF soldiers are murderers?
Or which Bavarians are Nazis?
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