ah yes.
It does show the address now. However previous to me raising the issue with 123-reg the registrant address information would not be visable as Mr Totonchi had registered the site as "non trading", therdfore there was no obligation for him to show his details. Its an option you have when registering a domian name.
This is why the post at Ripoff says: You may find the results "intersting", as the results would of previously shown "The registrant has opted not to share his details"
Now since I have pointed out to 123-reg that it is infact trading, they were legaly obliged to realesd that information due to nominet policy. See my previous posts regarding mails to 123-reg
A simpler way of doing this rather than searching google and trawling through posts is to go to www.whois.net for US based sites and www.nic.uk for UK based sites. It will search all registration information on who/what company registered the domain, and the registrant information. Try it for www.diynot.com they have opted to show there details. Not showing it is a tail tail sign its dodgy if they are trading.
I used this method to determin that 123-reg had registered the domian, and so contact them to get the registrant details released.
Thanks for letting me clear that up.
I do hope that this is all helpfull and educational to others.
It does show the address now. However previous to me raising the issue with 123-reg the registrant address information would not be visable as Mr Totonchi had registered the site as "non trading", therdfore there was no obligation for him to show his details. Its an option you have when registering a domian name.
This is why the post at Ripoff says: You may find the results "intersting", as the results would of previously shown "The registrant has opted not to share his details"
Now since I have pointed out to 123-reg that it is infact trading, they were legaly obliged to realesd that information due to nominet policy. See my previous posts regarding mails to 123-reg
A simpler way of doing this rather than searching google and trawling through posts is to go to www.whois.net for US based sites and www.nic.uk for UK based sites. It will search all registration information on who/what company registered the domain, and the registrant information. Try it for www.diynot.com they have opted to show there details. Not showing it is a tail tail sign its dodgy if they are trading.
I used this method to determin that 123-reg had registered the domian, and so contact them to get the registrant details released.
Thanks for letting me clear that up.
I do hope that this is all helpfull and educational to others.