Rapid Weight Loss

OK, Dr Pip.

It all began when my Mother had me sectioned at the age of 5........

I had my assessment today.

Apparently, I have the eyeballs of a fit 18 yo. As for the rest, well......

I passed every test, but unfortunately my heart rate went above the presribed maximum (ie 80% of the maximum, which in my case is 144*), so I have to retake in 3 months.

In the meantime, I have to knuckle down to weight loss and aerobic exercise.

Just to let you know the test I failed, it was stepping on & off a 30cm high step for six minutes, with the tempo raised every two minutes.

If you have a metronome, start at about 80, then up it to 110 then around 130.

My MHR was calculated by taking the figure 220, deduct your age, then take 80% of this figure. That is the figure above which your heart rate must not rise.

So, if your age is 29 then 220-29=191. 80% of 191 is 153, so your heart rate immediately after exercise must not exceed this figure.
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Sounds like you'll be part of the light or ahem, heavy paramedic foot patrol ...
Paramedics work shifts, ...... They spend much of their time on the road. Most are paired with an ambulance technician to form an ambulance crew. Others travel by bike, motorbike or air ambulance...

Well, Pip, if my Skoda was the one of jokes, I would get fit by pushing it along, eh?????

Pity it is very reliable, then........ :cry:
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masona said:
The easiest best diet I've been on is the "Cholesterol Diet"
Well, I've been on this diet since Saturday (3 days ago) and lost 4 lbs so far! Pound a day so far if I can keep it up!
Sorry, Mas, is that a cholesterol free diet or a cholesterol diet???? :LOL:
securespark said:

Gotcha !!

.........No, Paul - this really is secure!

Maybe me and Ban just have a similar dislike of using "txt spk" when you don't need to.

It's fine for text messages (although I tend to use predictive text and spell words in full), but when you have access to a PC, there is no need to type in the same manner......

Wooo Hoo :D :D :D :cool: ;) :cry:
Ah, but Pip, to be fair mate, I've never shied away from abbreviations.....you know like IMHO etc.... :LOL:

I use txt spk for mobiles, but not on fora..

So there!!!!
Pip, you should be all for abbreviations at your age! as you get older and have less time on this earth, anything that speeds up the process of communication must be a good thing ;)
I worked in aerospace, when much younger our boss took us to one side and threatened all holy hell upon anyone compiling a report filled with unexplained acronyms etc. Upon first use expand fully within parenthesis ... In the fullness of time, not a bad idea at all ..... we had an on line dictionary of thousands of acronyms etc .... :cry:
that explains where you get your little ditties from then ;)
going back to diets, the best one i've seen is the eat in moderation and take exercise regularly regime which seems to work perfectly and doesn't cost you an arm and a leg.
Yes, you're right and only eat if you're really hungry, if you're getting hungry feeling then a pint of water will stop that :!:
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