Rapid Weight Loss

good advice masona as not only will it fill you up and make you feel less hungry but also it is recommended to drink at least 2 litres of water a day to help keep your kidneys flushed and yourself feeling fit as a fiddle.
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Just to state the obvious, different diets suit differebt people, but one that seems to work well for lots is the Eat Right for Your Type (see book of same name by Peter D'Adamo).

You need to know your blood type, then you eat the foods that are good for that group. Some people love it, need less sleep, the weight drops off, concentration improves, blood sugars even out so no going hypo, appetite falls etc. Other people don't want to give up the foods that don't suit their blood type.

And you won't lose weight without exercise, whatever the diet. It's not that running for x minutes burns y calories, but exercise changes the metabolic 'gear' in your body so you burn calories at a higher rate than if you lie on the sofa watching telly in your spare time. Exercise need only be a half hour walk a day, or house work or some other enjoyable indoor activity (now it's illegal out of doors)!

Good luck!
Isnt the idea to walk to the shop, not just your car ? Oh, and to avoid weight gain, stop shoving food in your mouth.
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Scoby_Beasley said:
Isnt the idea to walk to the shop, not just your car ? Oh, and to avoid weight gain, stop shoving food in your mouth.
Does Mcdonalds come into this category?
securespark said:
My MHR was calculated by taking the figure 220, deduct your age, then take 80% of this figure. That is the figure above which your heart rate must not rise.

Now, I know this is generally a good indicator, but like the BMI it isn't infallible. I speak from experience: for a few years I rowed at national level, and as you can imagine I did a bit of exercise. When I was at my rowing peak, in my late teens (i.e. before I discovered that if I gave it up I could have lie-ins at the weekend!), resting heart rate was around 55-60bpm, maximum heart rate I ever saw on my monitor was 220bpm, sustained for a good few minutes during a particularly punishing bicycle ride. Didn't feel like my heart was leaping out of my chest or anything, no desire to have a rest, just felt like I was pushing.

Hearts and heartrate would seem to be analogous to car engines: it is not healthy to rev a standard 1600cc engine to 9,000rpm, however a thoroughbred racing-tuned engine will have no problems with doing such things.

Anyway, Simon, did you manage to lose any weight in the end?
Not yet!!

I am eating a bare minimum and still not losing more than a few pounds, but I am exercising more, walking, stepping, cycling, swimming and have bought a Polar F1 HRM so I can see what the figures are.

I need to complete the aerobic exercises set by the authority without exceeding a heart rate of 145, so this is what I am aiming for, but if I can better it, of course, I will.

God, that 30cm step is high..........!!
My heart goes out to you literally. When i was a diver for the police ihad to undergo the HSE commercial divers medical every year, which included the bloody step test. We also had to do the shuttle run on a regular basis. The rational behind them is taht as the rate steps up your body struggles to cope to deliver the oxygen where its needed, hence higher heart rate until you give up!
I made up a set of steps and used those to train on. I also used to go on runs, but would put sessions of sprints into the runs to make the heart work harder at intervals. I also used to run up and down between two points getting faster as i did it.
As for weight loss never been a problem with me as im a racing snake, but chris eubank always used to say, if you need to lose weight before a fight its simple....dont eat!
Good luck and im glad i dont have to them anymore (silly idea anyway!) he he no more burning thigh muscles, no more screaming lungs, no more pounding head (worse bit was the surgery we used to do it in was in london on a busy road by brent cross. wouldnt have minded but we had to strip down to our pants, and the step was right in front of the window, so passers by would have seen me bobbing up and down at the window, face contorted in agony in just my boxers!
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