Went back in the loft and found 2 things.
When I tried before with the link i'm guessing I didn't have it in tight enough because the fault cleared this time.
Then I found a suspect broken wire in my tamper circuit, well suspect enough that as I tried to reinsert it broke off.
All faults cleared
Now I just got to arm and test it
On the veritas when you did any zone changes on a part set the zone change happened on all part sets, I think this is the same on the Premier? We need 3 different set ups .
1.Full set when us and the dog were out
2.Us out and the dog in the kitchen (z3) but the front door still entry/exit
3.Us in bed dog in kitchen but front door becomes guard and the stairs pir became entry exit.
To do this we used
1. full set
2. full set + omit a zone
3. part set 1 where zone types changed and omitted the kitchen pir
On the veritas all I had to do was Full, Omit, 3, Prog and the system would arm with zone 3 omitted.
Do I really have to put in
user code ,omit, 003, omit, menu to omit zone 3
user code , yes to arm the sytem?
This seems like a lot more to do the same thing.
Do I understand part arm correctly?
For example my front door is entry/exit but in attributes 1 I have ticked guard. So does this mean when I part arm 1, part arm 2 or part arm 3 my front door entry/exit will become guard?
My kitchen pir is set to guard but at night I want to omit it because the dog is in there so I have ticked part 1 omit.
So if I part arm 1 at night will my front door become guard and my kitchen pir be omitted?
Thank you so much for all your help, I really feel like I'm getting somewhere.