Reduction in the size of UK Army

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well yes I agree it’s a disgrace

I left nurses etc off the list because they have always been important

plenty in the NHS are paid a pittance
Lab tech staff
Etc etc

plenty in the NHS are over paid as well

paper shufflers
Pencil pushers

I've always appreciated cleaners
Bin men
Ect ect.
Those who all of a sudden realised how important to this country they are.... Have now forgotten them again..... we all need pay rises. Now is not the time. That means MPs even more so...
well yes I agree it’s a disgrace

I left nurses etc off the list because they have always been important

plenty in the NHS are paid a pittance
Lab tech staff
Etc etc

plenty in the NHS are over paid as well

paper shufflers
Pencil pushers

I've always appreciated cleaners
Bin men
Ect ect.
Those who all of a sudden realised how important to this country they are.... Have now forgotten them again..... we all need pay rises. Now is not the time. That means MPs even more so...
Now is not the time.
The mantra of one who does as little as possible and as slow as possible.
Next time you ask your kids to do something, and they say, "now is not the time." let us know what your response was.
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The mantra of one who does as little as possible and as slow as possible.
Next time you ask your kids to do something, and they say, "now is not the time." let us know what your response was.

Nurses are better paid than alot of essential service workers, who also deserve pay rises.. Your answer is ............. import more immigrants to do the work others don't want to do....
Your answer is ............. import more immigrants to do the work others don't want to do....
Are you my spokesperson now?
You're sacked. But I'll do a reference.
Bodd's reference:
I'm afraid Bodd has a tendency to go off half-cocked and in an irrelevant direction.
He needs careful micromanagement if he's to fulfil a fraction of the ability of others.
I would suggest at least hourly appraisal sessions to keep him on the right track and slightly productive.
He may appear to be the joker in the workforce but that is an appearance that he adopts to hide his shortcomings.
I wish him well in his future endeavours.
Nurses are better paid than alot of essential service workers, who also deserve pay rises.. Your answer is ............. import more immigrants to do the work others don't want to do....

that’s the problem there are those in the UK who think they are highly educated with 3 degrees in some BS subject who think every one else should go around doing the menial tasks for a pittance

these same dip sticks look down there noses at those people

and assume because they have some BS degree that they are superior and cleaning there own toilet is beneath them :LOL:

pencil pushers and paper shufflers
Most have there Snouts in the trough from day one

if they told u what they actually did for a living u would be none the wiser
Some BS job title to puff up there importance
This pandemic has shown this country who is important
Bum wipers
Shelf stackers

delivery drivers

lowly plumbers


Not people of his ilk with BS degrees doing nothing of consequence or of any importance

blimey rumour has it that himmagin / Dazzler is a teacher

Subject ???? Propaganda :idea::idea: may be :?:

Would you add journalists to that list?
that’s the problem there are those in the UK who think they are highly educated with 3 degrees in some BS subject who think every one else should go around doing the menial tasks for a pittance

these same dip sticks look down there noses at those people

and assume because they have some BS degree that they are superior and cleaning there own toilet is beneath them :LOL:

pencil pushers and paper shufflers
Most have there Snouts in the trough from day one

if they told u what they actually did for a living u would be none the wiser
Some BS job title to puff up there importance

You should be a journalist, write your own blog on the many ways you can unblock toilets.
Transam myself and Andy are what a country needs to make the world go round.
Without us we are Afghanistan...... (y)

That's the spirit, up to your elbows in muck. you're doing it for blighty. :mrgreen:
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