Who’s fault is it that we haven’t left the EU?
You are falling into Johnsons trap of creating a common enemy.
Like the Torys you want to keep the narrative about leaving, when and how.
That is in order to avoid discussing the why.
The leave campaign was fought on slogans which are untrue.
Like these:
Get back sovereignty
Take back control
Save £350 m per week
Take back control of immigration.
Fishjng right
Do own trade deals
That is where the fault lies: making promises of Brexit that dont exist.
Johnson only backed leave because he saw an opportunity to get in power.
Same with Rees Moog, Gove, Raab, Cummings, Farage.
Brexit is being driven by Tories hungry to keep power, not because there are any benefits.
That is where the fault lies.
But as a Tory, I presume you will follow them and unite against a common enemy.
Divide and conquer....old as the hills