Remove all media, do we really have a pandemic?

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No, it's because you have zero evidence for your crackpot ideas.

Not true, he's posted loads of evidence. Just happens the evidence is all on websites that are known for sharing fake news and conspiracies. But, unless you can list every one of them and explain why each is bs, we must all accept them as true.
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That is simply not what your link says, it says they have died of covid after having the jab, not as a result of having the jab.

So the jab hasn't killed anyone then?

Would it alarm you to discover that your MSM is not reporting the deaths, & the medics who know the truth are forbidden from reporting the truth?

The adverse reactions can be anything from a sore arm, to a day of work - small price to pay for a jab which gives such a high level of protection.

Are you aware of what the vaccine does? Please explain to me how it "gives such a high level of protection" when all it actually does is . . . . !
So the jab hasn't killed anyone then?

Would it alarm you to discover that your MSM is not reporting the deaths, & the medics who know the truth are forbidden from reporting the truth?
Forbidden! Oh no, not forbidden!

But to answer your strawman, it is well known that some people will get adverse reactions and will die. However the rate of it is tiny. For example, the odds of you dying from clots caused by the AstraZenica vaccine is literally one in a million. And that was a significant enough effect that we adjusted who is allowed it to reduce that risk. The Covid vaccines have been a text book demonstration of how effective vaccines are at saving lives.

Are you aware of what the vaccine does? Please explain to me how it "gives such a high level of protection" when all it actually does is . . . . !
Which vaccine? I hope you know there are over a dozen in widespread use, using at least half a dozen different approaches.
as has been repeatedly demonstrated by the world's most eminent scientists, you are wrong.
Are these the same scientists and medical personal that have also spoken out against Covid.
But according to the sheeple are all crackpots and conspiracy theorists.
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come on John, where is the proof this court case exists?

Even if, say the MSM have suppressed it, if it’s true, there must a reference to this court case - which court was the hearing at, where are the transcripts?
Im still waiting for you to answer the same question I asked you multiple times and yet you refuse to answer.
You expect people to answer your questions and yet refuse to answer theirs.
Not true, he's posted loads of evidence. Just happens the evidence is all on websites that are known for sharing fake news and conspiracies. But, unless you can list every one of them and explain why each is bs, we must all accept them as true.
Websites that are known for fake news and yet rebel media is deemed a website that is 100% factual hahahahaha.
And yet YouTube gets criticised by the sheeple but any evidence to support the claims of the sheeple and pharmaphiles can all be found on YouTube .
You expect people to answer your questions and yet refuse to answer theirs.
Not true, he's posted loads of evidence. Just happens the evidence is all on websites that are known for sharing fake news and conspiracies. But, unless you can list every one of them and explain why each is bs, we must all accept them as true.
With all due respect you clearly stated in another thread that medical experts DO NOT know how age effects mortality rates.
So you seem to think you know more than medical experts
You expect people to answer your questions and yet refuse to answer theirs.
I’ve answered questions.
Unlike the sheeple I have done my own research not just believe everything the MSM says.
If you wish to follow their fear agenda that’s up to you.
The easiest way to control a human being is through fear hence why the MSM report the way they do.
Hence why now a load of stories about people who refuse the jab dying are now coming out in line with asking children to get jabbed.
Children at extremely low risk from Covid.
Of course I suppose the MSM is factual in every story.
Im still waiting for you to answer the same question I asked you multiple times and yet you refuse to answer.
You expect people to answer your questions and yet refuse to answer theirs.

poor John the Plumber…..wriggling and squirming.

If your non MSM have found a court case that Patrick King has won in Alberta, they would be quick to provide transcripts of the hearing, which court, the case number.

but there is nothing.

So the only conclusion one can reach is: it’s not true, it’s been fabricated.
Unlike the sheeple I have done my own research not just believe everything the MSM says

It’s funny how your research ignores all scientific journals, data, evidence, facts.

and your research doesn’t even check basic facts…..I’m still waiting for the details on the Alberta court hearing.
"There is no indication that Mr. King’s case is connected to the relaxing of Covid restrictions in Alberta which fully opened on July 1, 2021. The Government of Alberta states they have opened the province due to achieving the government’s stated goal of 70% of Albertans receiving their first vaccine. Whether that is the reason, remains to be discovered in future court hearings."

Short version:

  1. Mr. King is misrepresenting the words of a document he received in an ongoing court case against him. He misconstrues the document to mean there is no proof that the virus causing COVID exists.
  2. At about the time Mr. King made his interpretation public, the chief medical officer of health for the Province of Alberta, Canada (where Mr. King's case is being tried) announced that many of the public health regulations put in place to handle COVID19 will be relaxed and/or removed in the next few weeks.
  3. The two events are merged together as a claim of "victory" by Mr. King and others who deny the existence of COVID19.
Longer version with (some) references.

This appears to be a disingenuous conflation of a completely misrepresented statement from a judge with events that happened independently of the court case against Patrick King.

First, the court case.

Patrick King is trying to get out of paying a $1200 fine for flouting public health regulations that were aimed at reducing the spread of COVID19. Last December, he took part in a protest and was fined for being part of a group of more than 10 persons assembled in public, in violation of the then active rules limiting public gatherings.

His defense is based around his belief that COVID19 is a hoax and does not exist. No virus, no basis for the public health regulations, no basis for him to pay the $1200 dollar fine.

There have been ongoing hearings since May,2021 (looking for exact dates and such.) Mr. King has been representing himself in court.

Patrick King gave an interview that was posted on the Stew Peters show on 3. August 2021, referring to events that took place between 24.July, 2021 and 3 August.

Mr. King had tried to get a subpoena issued to get proof of the existence of the virus that causes COVID19 from the chief medical officer of health (CMOH) for Alberta, Canada.

His application for the subpoena was denied.

Mr. King showed a picture of part of a document he received from the court. This document gives various reasons why the request for a subpoena was denied."

ews and yet rebel media is deemed a website that is 100% factual

rebel media is owned by Ezra Levant, who has links to the Koch foundation.

the Koch foundation is a right wing libertarian group which funds climate change deniers……it also funds Brexit think tanks. Matthew Elliott top Tory advisor has very close links to Koch brothers.

Rebel media is not 100% factual.
poor John the Plumber…..wriggling and squirming.

If your non MSM have found a court case that Patrick King has won in Alberta, they would be quick to provide transcripts of the hearing, which court, the case number.

but there is nothing.

So the only conclusion one can reach is: it’s not true, it’s been fabricated.
Think your the only one squirming as you refuse to answer a simple question.
Caught you out yet again.
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