Reversable USB charger plug

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
Avril has an Android phone, which charges via one of those tiny USB plugs, which fits either way (180 degrees). She says it only charges, if plugged in one way, which suggests to me, the phone charge socket is faulty. The same charge lead works which ever way it is plugged in, in several other items.

Are there phones, where the plug orientation needs to be correct, for it to charge?
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USB type-C sockets/cables are reversible.
If the phone is not charging one way, the socket may be damaged, or dirty.
Have a gentle poke around the socket with something small, pointy and plastic!
Yep a (sewing) pin works well, I clean mine out every couple of months as I keep my phone in my jeans pocket whenever I'm not using it so it gets full of cotton fluff/detritus.
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A good blow out with compressed air and follow up with a good poke around with a cotton bud soaked in isopropanol alcohol. Squeeze the cotton bud tip to get it in ;)
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