12 Dec 2004
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United Kingdom
Sorry if this has already been posted on this site. Well when I say sorry, read that as don't give a s..............

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no sorry don't see it that way, I really can't see what Camilla has done to deserve all the bad press, and as for her looks i reckon she's a very dignified and glamourous lady for her age. seems it's the anti camilla pro Di brigade again, those that believed the hype from the media about diana and how hard done by she was, what a load of b****ks!
kendor said:
no sorry don't see it that way, I really can't see what Camilla has done to deserve all the bad press, and as for her looks i reckon she's a very dignified and glamourous lady for her age. seems it's the anti camilla pro Di brigade again, those that believed the hype from the media about diana and how hard done by she was, what a load of b*llocks!

Yeah she ain't actually that ugly.
No, I cant see what she has done 2 deserve the bad press. But in a world when we have 2 put up with Blairs mistakes in IraQ etc, the fact that all peadophiles get away with murder, and people murdering each other just cause the colour of their skin. Then maybe a little fun atthe expense of Camilla is not 2 bad.
its amazin how a little bit of fun suddenly turns to slaggin blair off or bush, and before you say it i know you never mentioned bush. i thought it was quite funny. i wouldnt for a minute compare it to all peadophiles get away with murder, and people murdering each other just cause the colour of their skin.
Jbonding, I wasn't at all trying to compare it to the other things I mentioned. All I meant was, that when such terrible things are going on in the world, perhaps poking harmless fun at Camilla isn't too bad a thing. The only reason I mentioned Blair/ peados/ murderers, was that they were the first things that came to mind. I might just as easily have used other examples. Old people freezing each winter cause they can't afford the heating. A complete lack of a decent health service. The list goes on. Was just trying to think of worse things than having a laugh at some of the royals.
But you make a good point about Blair and Bush being blamed whenever something goes wrong. Even if I do think they are both a pair of expletive, expletive, expletive. :D
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