Rubiales. He's gone. Inevitable.

Actors filming a scene, what's my prize?

I did say I didn't think he was right. My point from my original response was that it was a mountain made from a molehill.
No prize for that.

No matter how you dress it up, it's abuse. Of power, if not sexual.

No sympathy for him.
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My point from my original response was that it was a mountain made from a molehill.
Quite clearly wrong/misguided.

You have to be invited to kiss someone on the lips (intimate), in the same way you would swap any body fluids with another.

He's your garden variety, sexually immature, bloke.
He was doomed from the moment the player said she didn’t consent. She didn’t consent so it was a sexual assault. She was pressured into saying it was consensual to save the bloke’s reputation

Does a strip search or intimate body search by plod or customs officers constitute sexual assault if carried out by force or with out consent ???
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Slightly OT but kind of related. I saw an article online a couple of weeks back about that Alison what's her name on This Morning, literally clambering all over Jason Donovan which must have been fun for him. Ok no kiss or anything but still, I don't think we're seeing true equality with some of this stuff. If that had been a male presenter clambering over a female guest ...
I don't think we're seeing true equality with some of this stuff
In what way? That fewer men feel the need to make a complaint? Or that fewer men feel threatened?

Equality? In sport? Dream on. It's a mans world boyo, Lol.
He was stitched up , The TV shot showed the woman walking away smiling , and further TV coverage showed the Womens team laughining about the incident in the Coach afterwards . not what I would consider a sexual assualt .
classic victim blaming

"women in short skirts are asking to be raped"
Female NHS surgeons are at it now - the world get more barking mad daily
How is it mad? They were asked a question and answered truthfully, unless you think they were after compo.

Have you never been in a situation, which you allowed to pass unthinking, then later had second thoughts, and thought "that was wrong", or even consulted others on your hindsight?
If your answer is no, I would suggest your memory is especially fickle.
Not to the best of my recollection...

...but i was distracted at the time. :cool:
Slightly OT but kind of related. I saw an article online a couple of weeks back about that Alison what's her name on This Morning, literally clambering all over Jason Donovan which must have been fun for him. Ok no kiss or anything but still, I don't think we're seeing true equality with some of this stuff. If that had been a male presenter clambering over a female guest ...

I'm appalled......

... that anyone actually watches "This Morning". ;)
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