Rubiales. He's gone. Inevitable.

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Probably fewer sexual assaults, yes, in that respect.
Depends what you mean by 'better' though?
Well, it could be the kind of world envisioned by Galadriel or the one demanded by the mob at Sistah Space.
As you say, it depends.
On many factors.
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In what way? That fewer men feel the need to make a complaint? Or that fewer men feel threatened?

Equality? In sport? Dream on. It's a mans world boyo, Lol.
Wasn't referring to equality in sport ... boyo.

Was referring to the fact, although not the same type of incident, the female presenter decided to literally clamber all over a male guest. Unclear if this was prearranged, if the guest had agreed beforehand etc.

My point is had that been a male presenter clambering all over a female guest, would the fallout (or lack thereof) have been as minimal.
Was referring to the fact, although not the same type of incident, the female presenter decided to literally clamber all over a male guest. Unclear if this was prearranged, if the guest had agreed beforehand etc.
Oh, you decided to divert the thread and talk about acting/entertainment? Bravo.

Feck all to do with sexual assault though boyo.
A Spanish court has imposed a restraining order on the former president of the country’s football federation, forbidding him from communicating with, or coming within 200 metres of, the female player he controversially kissed after Spain’s World Cup victory last month.

keep it real@the Grundian

I'd think he'd rather not go within 200 miles of the woman but this legal farrago has to go on, eh old boy.
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