Salary question on application

hermes said:
Thermo said:
The things we do indeed, especially those ones that you think to yourself halfway through.....why the hell am i doing this! :LOL:

Oh god I really really hate that feeling.

Know what you mean :LOL: ....gotta laugh. Had that feeling too many times while on the job......and on the job :confused: ;) ...and don't mention cows, Hermes :cool:
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an you never mentioned your quicksilver gayness
At the last job interview I went to the question of my required salary came up towards the end. I had specifically said on the application form that it was the minimum I would consider. The principle interviewer said that my required was a bit high and that he would struggle to get it approved by the powers that be. So he proposed I go in at a lower salary and we would review it after 6 months. 'would I be happy with that?'.

Now, I was not all that impressed to tell the truth because I had specifically said that it was a minimum. So I said no, I'm sorry but I wouldn't be happy with that. Well, the look on his face was worth travelling half way across the country for and the guy sat next to him laughed out loud. He gave me a very hard look and leaned over the table and said, 'so, you are saying, if we offered you a job at x salary you would turn us down'. Yes I said. I'm a professional, I do a top class professional job and I don't want to put myself in a position where I am distracted by being dissatisfied with salary.

Long story short, they offered me the job at my required salary but I turned them down anyway. They did contact me and offer to negotiate (presumably upwards) but I had allready mentally moved on by then so I still turned them down.

So, my advice, don't sell yourself short. Tell them what you want but have a reason to justify it. If they try to beat you down and you really want the job try to get a 6 month review included instead.
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jeds said:
The principle interviewer said that my required was a bit high and that he would struggle to get it approved by the powers that be........

You were quite right to hold your ground. The fact that they invited you for interview showed that they were already in agreement to accept whatever salary you had suggested, or that they were very profesional and willing to 'waste your time' :LOL:
What job you going for Gar?

I was the my trade, poxed off to the back teeth with being self employed...every year the same worries around winter time, same drill waiting for money from customers who got the impression I ran Ocean keeping, tax, NI, advertising...

Bare this in mind...the average wage from a tradesman is what?..say 120 a day?...ok now then multiply this by the amount of holidays most firms give you these days...I have 25 days a year theres 3 large bank holidays...8?...£960.00

So...your 3,960 quid down before you have even started work, add to that odd days between jobs lost days due to weather..sick my final year of trading these amounted to around two weeks..£1680

So...I was down over 5 and a half grand before id kicked off

Sobering thought isnt it people :rolleyes:

Good luck Gareth