Scott Mackenzie has died.

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So instead of showing sympathy for someone who has passed away, you took the time to write a false story in order to wind people up?

How about letting out some true sentiment for a while instead of trolling around.
The story was true - but I'm not grief stricken for a stranger. Are you?
Not this time, no, didn't know the song or the man, has no place for me in history, but that is not to say when someone famous does die I will not miss them, depending on who they are.

Take you for example, bet you were grief stricken when Bernard Manning died.
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Joe90's not mourning the death of Scott mc Kenzie. Are you joking?
He's mourning the passing of his own youth and of course the reminder of his own mortality is driven home.
This is where the worshipping of false idols has led him, where solace and peace have abandoned him and his only friend is the keyboard.
It does seem that there is not much in Joe's life he holds dear. He does seem very much content to spout heartless billshut to provoke a reaction.
It's called 'opinion'. Are you hoping to deny me that?
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