I want a Federal Europe, or a "United States of Europe".
If only Lloyd George had such revelations back in 1918, instead of listening to Woodrow W*nky Wilson... Then we would have a United Europe, all under the control of Downing Street. Although it is quite likely none of us would ever have been born without the Second World War.
The problem with experiments like the EU is that you have to be all or nothing. We either have to be a full on USE, as Ban wants, or we have to be separate sovereign states. Trade agreements are fine, treaties are great. But you can't have this wishy washy in-the-middle state.
Now, the reasons we don't have a USE are deeply rooted in the formation of the EC. A certain french general described as having "a head like a pineapple and hips like a woman’s" (hint: there's an ugly airport near Paris named after him) vetoed all British attempts to join the EC. His reasons included: the UK having ties to the Commonwealth, ties to the US, and a fear that English would become the official language of Europe. To put it bluntly, he was a xenophobe. Actually no, he was racist.
Maybe if he hadn't been so anti-English (you would think he would have liked us more, since after he fled/retreated/ran screaming like a girl from France we protected him in London) then we might have had more time for him. However there is a big problem: many Britons see the EU as France plus a bit more. And as a country France has traditionally had nothing but contempt for us. De Gaulle embodied this. If he had said "Ah, ma Breeteesh chums, come into the EC! 'Av some waaaaahn, 'av some cheeeese! Sank-you for saving ma aaaaarrse in zat last world war!" then we might all have warmed to French governments since then. And we wouldn't be so cynical.
There are so many reasons why some countries need to make massive changes to all sorts of things. For example, we have "Innocent until proven guilty". Can you imagine France changing from their "Guilty until proven innocent" standard? I can't.
Now, you may think I am just jibing at France but to be honest, this is the only EU country I have enough experience of living and working in to make sound judgement. So, let me draw your attention to an incompatibility between France and the UK:
Certain MPs have tried to encourage "continental drinking styles" in the UK. This hasn't worked. We are Nordic. When we drink, we drink. Now, before the EU, public urination was seen as a disgusting and despicable act in the UK. In France they have never understood our fuss about it. On Friday, take a stroll through your local town centre at 2am. Blair has failed to make us drink like Europeans, but we certainly p*ss like them now!
I support David's opinion, I also support Ban's opinion. They are both opinions. Neither is wrong. That isn't to say either is right, but where would we be if you couldn't sit and discuss politics in a calm and rational fashion?