Scudo (Expert/Dispatch) Rear Shoe Auto Adjuster Questions?

Yeah, ignore the video actually showing how it works, that was just made up fakery to confuse people…… :rolleyes:
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You’ve seen the video and heard RAC's experience. Give it a rest now - you’re sounding desperate to score a point here. Have it if it’s that important to you.
Will you not just answer the questions ?

I think it's very important to give out correct information and advice.
To r&c. Regardless of what you believe, my genuine best advice is....

Do NOT touch the handbrake until after using the footbrake to set the adjusters. Using the handbrake before this WILL give you a long pedal AND a poor handbrake.
Does anyone mind if I chip in?
This is wot I do......
Grind the rust lip off the drum, where the shoes don't contact.
Set the auto adjusters by using the footbrake - not too heavily in case there is a pressure compensator that cuts in. The adjusters are near to the slave cylinder, after all.
Then, apply the handbrake but don't lock it - and press the foot brake again a few times.
Clout the drum with a heavy hammer, just to help centralising the shoes, and see the drum rotates freely;
Off with the drum again, and manually turn the adjuster two or three clicks, drum back on, check for rotating freely.
Both wheels in the air, handbrake on a couple of clicks to check that the brakes work the same on both sides - as far as possible.
John :)
Does anyone mind if I chip in?
This is wot I do......
Grind the rust lip off the drum, where the shoes don't contact.
Set the auto adjusters by using the footbrake - not too heavily in case there is a pressure compensator that cuts in. The adjusters are near to the slave cylinder, after all.
Then, apply the handbrake but don't lock it - and press the foot brake again a few times.
Clout the drum with a heavy hammer, just to help centralising the shoes, and see the drum rotates freely;
Off with the drum again, and manually turn the adjuster two or three clicks, drum back on, check for rotating freely.
Both wheels in the air, handbrake on a couple of clicks to check that the brakes work the same on both sides - as far as possible.
John :)
I don't mind at all. Good advice.
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