Seatbelt weight limit?

AdamW said:
I've figured it out... Stephen Fry has joined our hallowed forum at last! ;)

Pish, tish, and make sure you stand with your back to the wall ;);)
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So are we saying Stephen Fry would have problems with a seatbelt??
kendor said:
So are we saying Stephen Fry would have problems with a seatbelt??

Well, on Top Gear he did profess to being a keen biker, so presumably yes he would have problems :D

I was, however, referring to soft's caustic wit, a trademark of the hilarious hook-nosed habitue of the helenic habitude... :eek:

I'm not calling him a poof or 'owt, mind. ;)
AdamW said:
kendor said:
So are we saying Stephen Fry would have problems with a seatbelt??

Well, on Top Gear he did profess to being a keen biker, so presumably yes he would have problems :D

I was, however, referring to soft's caustic wit, a trademark of the hilarious hook-nosed habitue of the helenic habitude... :eek:

I'm not calling him a poof or 'owt, mind. ;)
What! Are you insinuating that Stephen Fry is a poof? :eek: and what's wrong with seatbelts and airbags on bikes then? ;)
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Stephen Fry has referred to himself as a member of the gay community on many occasions on "QI".

As to seatbelts and airbags, you can get that BMW scooter-with-a-roof (C1, I think) with seatbelts. And I saw something about airbags on the fueltank once. But it's hardly the proper bike experience if you have a roof on it. I know, people used to say that about wearing a helmet, but a roof and a windscreen on a bike...
I never saw the Quasar before, however that is crazy! Take a Reliant three-wheeler... and take ANOTHER WHEEL OFF!!!

However, this looked to take the future by storm when I were a lad. And you can still buy them!

Those Swiss, eh? Whether it's making cheese with holes in it, hiding Nazi gold or making precision clocks, they always do it so well. :eek: ;)
bonded by araldite! bet that was fiddly with those small yellow spatulas! Is that extra wheel at the side to hold it up when stationary or is it a device to remove unwanted cyclists from the road?
Hey I had a great idea, if you join two together you could make a car!
kendor said:
Is that extra wheel at the side to hold it up when stationary or is it a device to remove unwanted cyclists from the road?

Nah. Stabilisers for learner drivers ;)
AdamW said:
Stephen Fry has referred to himself as a member of the gay community on many occasions on "QI".

Quite so, but did you see the way that I [oops I mean he] leered at Nigella Lawson on 'Miwwionaire"?
No, but you can't blame him. Heck, if I was gay I'd still leer at her. :LOL:

I once heard that he was bisexual, but celebate on both buses. Perhaps this would explain his interest in Nigella Lawson ("Nigella bites"? God I hope so!)
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