See a doctor for smelly farts?

If you are also a bit over weight, try fasting a day a week on less than 600kcal. It gives everything a rest.
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You know something you're completely right I've been reading it as blightymann. I just automatically assumed this place repulsed all women.
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You know something you're completely right I've been reading it as blightymann. I just automatically assumed this place repulsed all women.
Well, not all us women are into knitting and baking..! :)

This place was very very helpful when we moved into our property a few years back and it badly needed updating. The other half is an excellent DIYer, but I didn't want to sound like a clueless girlie to him, so I read a lot here. Almost managed to sound like I knew what I was talking about!

Anyway, back to smelly farts......
There was a prog' on Radio 4 a few weeks back about this very subject . womans hour I think ?

they had some medical consultant /expert on the subject talking about it

I do not remember a great deal about it tbh ,but one fact I do recall . Apparently as you get older u will tend to fart more ? and one of the reasons that were given , which surprised those on the prog' was u tend to take in more air when you eat as u get older.

the consultant did go into some in depth explanation as to why this was the case??

but def'ingesting air into the gut when eating was mentioned :)
I used to work with a chap who could clear the workshop with his morning phhht, it was unbelievable , he drank lots of Guinness and ate lots of peanuts
Well, not all us women are into knitting and baking..! :)

This place was very very helpful when we moved into our property a few years back and it badly needed updating. The other half is an excellent DIYer, but I didn't want to sound like a clueless girlie to him, so I read a lot here. Almost managed to sound like I knew what I was talking about!

Anyway, back to smelly farts......

Amazing what you can pick up on the web. I've learned to try and involve people in what I'm doing as much as possible and try not to make it sound like I know what I'm doing because 9/10 there's a better or less time consuming route I haven't thought of. Two minds definitely better than one. Sometimes it's the 'way' of looking at a problem and solving it that's the key, before even picking up a tool, and I'm missing that a lot of the time. :)
Wind is actually a natural by product of your digestion, and smelly ones can just be a result of what you're eating. The obvious ones are things like onions, cabbage, cauliflower garlic and chillies, but over 18lb of your gut is actually reckoned to be bacteria, and if these get out of kilter, then things can go wrong. Processed food doesn't do you any good, and wholemeal bread will improves your bowel movements, but the extra roughage can cause other problems.

You need to look at your diet, and you may need to take a good quality probiotic (health food shop tablets that needs to be kept in a fridge) and see if your gut needs rebalancing.

The 5/2 diet can do wonders for your general health, but I don't think it does much for your gut.
The thing I eat most would be an Italian BMT salad at Subway, at night I have a normal meal of meat, veg or pasta.

I do eat quite a bit of chocolate and cookies but I'm not overweight in my opinion (I am according to the NHS website). I'm 38, have a physical job and go running a couple of times a week.

I like the smelly farts, and loud ones are a bonus on top.

If I cut those worktops wrong it would be more of a shart than a fart :LOL:
Ian, does your wife never fart? Or do hers smell of roses?
I'd love to set fire to one of mine and see if I could produce a flamethrower?
I'd love to set fire to one of mine and see if I could produce a flamethrower?
Well today is Monday club (yes i know about the bonk holiday)
so its pub at 10am plenty of guinness and a hot ruby afterwards, flamethrower fuel.
She doesn't do proper farts, just little girly PPPFFFFFF 's like when you sit in a leather chair ha ha!!!
Eat some sweetcorn, and see how long it takes to pass through, and that'll tell you how long your gut transit is. From there, you can backtrack and see what you're eating that's causing the smelly flatulence. If you've got a long gut transit, then it could be the meat, but it could also be that like most people in the western world, we mix proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and that requires different types of acid and alkali to break them down, and that is often part of the problem. Women do girly farts, becuase they have a different muscle structure down there, so gasses slip out more easily.
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