I think it's the lip gloss shes using on a weekend.
Why do you think someone out of work should live in the same manner as someone who works? If you don't work - then sell your house and go into rented accommodation until you can afford to buy once more. The world doesn't owe you a good life.
Hello and welcome daneski88, you raise a very valid point but at some stage if you cost the state( ie tax payer) more than you have put in why should it be inconceivable that any assets you have should not be used to pay for any of your benefits.Hello everybody. Please be gentle with the newbie.
Could I ask what we pay our taxes for since I thought part of it was an insurance for when we were out of work?
Hello everybody. Please be gentle with the newbie.
Could I ask what we pay our taxes for since I thought part of it was an insurance for when we were out of work? A friend of ours became totally incapacitated due to motor neuron disease which meant that her husband had to give up his job to become a full time carer for her. Are you saying that since they are now both out of work that they should be forced to sell their now modified (for handicapped person) house and take up rented accommodation?
It makes good sense. If you had to sell your house you'd get off your bum and get a job.
If you had to sell your house then the profit you made would pay for your own rent without the taxpayer footing the bill.
How can you justify such idleness?
I paid on average about £100/week in taxes for the past 13 years or so ( not including last year obviously.. ) and until 3 months ago recieved £64 /week since last febuary... so I make that about 6 years left until I ballance out what I've paid in??