self medicating again...

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Why do you think someone out of work should live in the same manner as someone who works? If you don't work - then sell your house and go into rented accommodation until you can afford to buy once more. The world doesn't owe you a good life.

I don't think that someone out of work has the same manner as someone that works, for example, I don't eat out, have takeaways, go for days out, have holidays, am unable to visit friends..What makes you say that?

Also, if I sold my house, and lived in rented accomodation, then renting would actually cost MORE than my mortgage, so doesn't make sense.
It makes good sense. If you had to sell your house you'd get off your bum and get a job.

If you had to sell your house then the profit you made would pay for your own rent without the taxpayer footing the bill.
Why should these skivs keep their house courtesy of the taxpayer? Surely it should be sold and the proceeds used to pay their dole money and other benefits. That might motivate them knowing they'll have to move into a flea ridden bedsit.
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Hello everybody. Please be gentle with the newbie.

Could I ask what we pay our taxes for since I thought part of it was an insurance for when we were out of work? A friend of ours became totally incapacitated due to motor neuron disease which meant that her husband had to give up his job to become a full time carer for her. Are you saying that since they are now both out of work that they should be forced to sell their now modified (for handicapped person) house and take up rented accommodation?
Hello everybody. Please be gentle with the newbie.

Could I ask what we pay our taxes for since I thought part of it was an insurance for when we were out of work?
Hello and welcome daneski88, you raise a very valid point but at some stage if you cost the state( ie tax payer) more than you have put in why should it be inconceivable that any assets you have should not be used to pay for any of your benefits.
Hi oompah and thanks for the welcome.

I thought the idea of an insurance is that you can potentially claim more from it that you have or maybe ever will pay in in premiums. It's a "there but for the grace of god, go I" situation.

As with any "loss adjuster" judgement though, I could see the benefit of paying out what is required but no more. The insurance is there to ensure that you can survive and not live the life of reilly. Perhaps some kind of monitored rationing of goods. In that way the idea of having one's mortgage paid whilst unemployed wouldn't be such an issue, but paying for the sky box etc would be since the former is a "necessity" and the latter a "luxury".

I see nothing wrong with the unemployed having to do some kind of work in order that they qualify for some kind of bonus as they are working for the state, so in the case cited whereby ex-cons not earning their keep means they would be given food and accommodation as part of the insurance deal, but nothing else.
But its not an insurance as such its a state created pot and an ever dwindling one where more and more seem to want a slice without any contributions,for some reason many think its a birth right,or as long has I am within the coastline of Britain, right.
Hello everybody. Please be gentle with the newbie.

Could I ask what we pay our taxes for since I thought part of it was an insurance for when we were out of work? A friend of ours became totally incapacitated due to motor neuron disease which meant that her husband had to give up his job to become a full time carer for her. Are you saying that since they are now both out of work that they should be forced to sell their now modified (for handicapped person) house and take up rented accommodation?

Hello and welcome daneski88. Whilst I can see the case you mention is very unfortunate cases like that are in the vast minority and they should be able to claim a carers allowance, disability living allowance etc etc. Should the goverment pay out when they own an asset worth £170k? (average house price in the uk). If they were in rented accommadation and had £170k in the bank would you still say the same?

Fact is most people on the dole are lazy parasites who don't want to work.
It makes good sense. If you had to sell your house you'd get off your bum and get a job.

If you had to sell your house then the profit you made would pay for your own rent without the taxpayer footing the bill.

I bought my flat about 3 years ago and at the time it cost me £99,500

I've paid my mortgage until about 3 months ago when my insurance policy ran out.
my mortgage is currently about £97,000 remaining..
the flat at present ( after the market crash ) is worth about £85,000 meaning if it was sold I'd still owe £14,500.. so no profit if I sold it...

I paid on average about £100/week in taxes for the past 13 years or so ( not including last year obviously.. ) and until 3 months ago recieved £64 /week since last febuary... so I make that about 6 years left until I ballance out what I've paid in?? :)

I used to think as Joe and DM do, refering to the long term unemployed as "Dole Moles".. and I really hope that the 2 of them never have to go through what I and many others are at the moment, but if they did then they'd soon change their tune..
In my time I've been unemployed and even homeless.

Now tell me this:

You are a fully qualified electrician yes? Then other than laziness:

1) what is the reason you can't work as a domestic sparky fitting showers and rewires etc?

2) Why should everyone else pay your way for you? And that includes many people with no qualifications whatsoever doing unpleasant work in abattoirs and fish gutting factories?

How can you justify such idleness?
I paid on average about £100/week in taxes for the past 13 years or so ( not including last year obviously.. ) and until 3 months ago recieved £64 /week since last febuary... so I make that about 6 years left until I ballance out what I've paid in?? :)

So for 13 yrs you never used any roads or other public services either I suppose?
Where do you think the money for schools, hospitals, the armed forces etc etc comes from?
15 months is a bloody long time to be unemployed for a skilled man; shows a complete lack of any effort.
The longer he is unemployed the longer he'll be unemployed. Would you employ someone that was happy to sit on the dole for years?
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