Semi toilet

29 Nov 2010
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United Kingdom
Upstairs toilet in semi detached goes to soil pipe and straight down into sewers. Is unventilated not allowed if it's just a single toilet? The volume being flushed in small so I don't get any suction
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Upstairs toilet in semi detached goes to soil pipe and straight down into sewers. Is unventilated not allowed if it's just a single toilet? The volume being flushed in small so I don't get any suction
Yes, it's fine as long as there is air admittance/venting elsewhere within the system.
but the building regs is a bit ambiguous as it says Ventilation of branch pipes – separate ventilation will not be needed to prevent the water seals in traps from being lost by pressures which can develop in the system if the length and slope of the branch discharge pipes do not exceed

So in which case if you just have a single toilet on a soil pipe then for pressure equalization you dont need a vent. So the only other reason to need a vent would be to release the gases but I dont understand why you would want to release the gases? dont the gases get pushed along with the waste? If building regs requires EVERY house to vent for ventilation of gases then why is the public sewer line itself not ventilated?Why should two houses only 10 metres apart each need a vent when the main public sewer line runs for miles without even a single vent? seems contradictory

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