Sewage polluters should worry....

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Having been given an easy ride in the past, they can now be sued....

"Water companies could face a series of legal challenges after a landmark judgment from the Supreme Court ruled that private landowners and individuals can seek redress for sewage released into UK waterways.

The legal challenge was one of a number faced by water companies as anger mounts over the mixture of storm water and raw sewage that is pouring into rivers and coastal waters, threatening human health and the environment.

United Utilities had argued that the owners of the 129-year-old Manchester Ship Canal could not seek redress for the release of “untreated foul water”. They argued that the 1991 Water Industry Act, which privatised the sector, meant only regulators could take action.

However, the Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled unanimously that Manchester Ship Canal Company Limited was entitled to claim for damages from sewage pollution."
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The utilities will presumably negotiate a guarantee from government as this may affect their profits, in the same way loss making train operating companies get their return underwritten. Good to see the free market working as we were told it would.
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I also think our incoming gov will read the riot act to the water companies.
There is still significant profits to be made from the water Utilites even with running the environmental position in the private sector. Its the unacceptable face of capitalism we have now.
The utilities will presumably negotiate a guarantee from government as this may affect their profits,

The alternative would see the money-leeches collapse into bankruptcy, or beg for a national lifeboat.

Who would want such a thing?
One or fewer.
Between one and acouple of dozen l heard, a few points in the polls apparently makes a big difference. Will be interesting to see the impact of the unguarded comments of some of the candidates.
Between one and acouple of dozen l heard,

Where did you hear that story?

Did they tell you which constituencies?

Clacton has a chance, which is why fartage changed his mind and parachuted himself in.

Discontented elderly racist brexers are in short supply (luckily) in most of the country.
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