Shamima Begum Loses Latest Citizenship Appeal

Which the courts have considered, and dismissed to the extent that her appeal has been refused.
Did it consider it?, I honestly have no idea.

I thought the court only decided on the fact she has an automatic right to Bangladeshi citizenship, so removing her British citizenship does not render her stateless.
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She is British, she was always westernised.

She was a child and she was groomed. The punishment she has been given is vastly excessive.

But the recent verdict is probably right. The decision might be harsh but that doesn't mean unlawful.
see the pictures in the bbc today, and the mail in motties link

Big difference in appearance. Designed to appeal to the west via the media.

It's grooming still
Did it consider it?, I honestly have no idea.

If it was considered relevant to the case, her lawyers would have raised this.

That her appeal has been dismissed would suggest that it was not considered relevant (to be brought before the court), or dismissed by the court to the extent that the appeal was refused.
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She knew full well what she was doing. I wouldn't be surprised if she was helped by her parents. How many strict Muslim teenagers can get the dosh to fly out there, let alone passport? Let that be a warning for others. Had she succeeded and become a model western supporter for ISIS, how many others do you think would have followed her out there? She's lucky she's still alive.
“Knew what she was doing” is a lazy answer.

Scam artists frequently con adults out of money on dating sites, but we don’t say the victims “knew what they were doing”
If it was considered relevant to the case, her lawyers would have raised this.

That her appeal has been dismissed would suggest that it was not considered relevant (to be brought before the court), or dismissed by the court to the extent that the appeal was refused.
Not entirely.

For this appeal to have worked the court would have had to agree that the decision was completely unreasonable. That's a really high bar that the courts rarely agree with.

So they.might have agreed that it was relevant and that they would have decided otherwise, but that's different to saying it must be overturned.
If it was considered relevant to the case, her lawyers would have raised this.

That her appeal has been dismissed would suggest that it was not considered relevant (to be brought before the court), or dismissed by the court to the extent that the appeal was refused.
Not being relevant to the legal case, does not mean she wasn’t groomed.

Although I can agree the grooming aspect doesn’t provide legal justification for a return.
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The court considered if her removal of citizenship was unlawful on the grounds that she may been a victim of human trafficking.

They did not support her appeal. The whole dual citizenship thing has been well and truly put to bed ages ago. She was not made stateless.

As to if I think her treatment is fair? On the one hand she has never been tried/convicted for any crime, on the other, it's highly likely she would get convicted of plenty of offences including terrorism and murder.

I don't see any evidence that she was westernised or integrated.. but thats irrelevant. At 15 she knew right from wrong, just as those who commit murder for the fun of it. She knew there was a war going on and she knew she was going to be a Jehadi bride
The whole dual citizenship thing has been well and truly put to bed. She was not made stateless
She was in reality

Bangladeshi laws give the automatic right for children born abroad with both parents Bangladeshi citizens, the automatic right to apply for citizenship

But Shamima Begum cant apply from where she resides and in any case the Bangladeshi govt have said it would be refused.

So she has in practical terms become rendered stateless.
Her parents reported it to the police to try to get help stopping her, they did nothing after one of her friends did the same thing a month earlier. Her travel was arranged by an ISIS recruiter.

If you don't know the basics of the case then your opinion is pretty worthless.
Not quite how the story goes according to guardian..
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Not entirely.

For this appeal to have worked the court would have had to agree that the decision was completely unreasonable. That's a really high bar that the courts rarely agree with.

So they.might have agreed that it was relevant and that they would have decided otherwise, but that's different to saying it must be overturned.

Take it up with @Notch7, as it was he who raised it in the first place.
I was merely saying that I thought it irrelevant to the appeal, as is.
it's not about grooming.. its about trafficking.

Not the same
“Knew what she was doing” is a lazy answer.

Scam artists frequently con adults out of money on dating sites, but we don’t say the victims “knew what they were doing”
You're just arguing for arguments sake. I bet it was people with your attitude that let Valdo Calocane roam free to end the lives of three people and change the lives of others forever. Still, they did their Christian duty and gave him another chance - pity they gave no chance to his victims.
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