Sharon Shoesmith

Ed Balls should be sacked for jumping when the press shouted 'jump'. It was a witch-hunt. It was an underfunded department so blame the politicians.
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If the company you work for was responsible for the death of a worker , who do you think the H&SE takes to court? Not the workers line manager, not the works foreman, not the company secretary.. No, they take the MD to court. The person with overall responsibility for that company.
Shoesmith had overall responsibility for the Social Services Dept. Now she's looking at a minimum compensation of a million quid. Plus you can bet that all costs will be awarded against the council.
Perhaps the most equitable solution would be to award her whatever the court case has cost and order her to pay these costs out of her compensation. That way, her name is cleared, but she doesn't gain anything from it.
You are missing the point entirely

Social service were NOT responsible for BPs death, his mother and partner were and they are in jail.

A number of agencies were at fault not just one

Funny how a few months earlier ofsted have them a good report and then when old
Balls up turns up they go in again and give a bad one

Total stitch up and a joke,

Now the idiot is saying he would do the same again what a t##t
JJ.........I would have thought she should have been dealt with in an entirely different way otherwise this appeal would not have been necessary. This is an all mighty cock-up by witch finders. They got it all wrong. Nobody else was to blame for Shoesmiths mishandled court case. Its quite likely that somebody misinterpreted the facts or lied.
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Basic workers right is to have the chance to put their case just like any criminal might expect in court

SS was denied that right due to incompetent self serving politicians trying to win public favour. I knew it at the time and I am totally not suprised she has won her case.

She should sue balls up directly
She deserved to be sacked. And had they followed procedure she would still have been sacked and without recourse to compensation.

What really sickens me about the case is that she is in total denial and believes that she should still get her job back. What a sick twisted woman. :evil:
Have to agree with Spacecats last statement.

If procedures had been followed the police and other services should have interceded before hand.
As stated, the culprits lied and hid things, and are now in jail.

Stricter rules should be introduced, but again as mentioned knowing social workers personally their workloads are at times immense and therein lies an inherrent problem. Understaffing and poor condtions for the average worker.
If procedures had been followed the police and other services should have interceded before hand.

If procedures were not being followed then it was this womans job to see that they were being followed or resign and highlight the failings within the system.

She failed and deserved to lose her job.
Money it seems is her primary interest and not the safety and welfare of vulnerable children.
If she gives every penny she receives in compensation to a childrens charity then I might think otherwise.
In that case nothing would ever get done - as most governmental department heads would have to resign. Ed Balls should resign for being a total tool dancing to the tune of the media.

Utter Nonsense!

Social services have NO control over the Police or Health whatsoever

Its this kind of knee jerk ignorance that passes as informed comment when you have not a clue.

Social services informed the police 4 months before BP died they did nothing !

None of them got sacked on TV did they
where have I said the ss have control over the police or health?

You seem to work in this department from your postings so no surprise that you defend her case.

Social services informed the police 4 months before BP died they did nothing

And what did ss do?
Sweet fa thats what.

I have seen social services inaction for the past 20 years on a professional basis

I'll bet.
Social services informed the police 4 months before BP died they did nothing ]

And what did ss do?
Sweet fa thats what.

You are so SILLY really , do you honestly think a director of SOCIAL SERVICES would intervene in EVERY one of the hundreds of cases that are under investigation

You have NO IDEA how these things work...honestly you are making a fool of yourself
If Sharon Shoesmith had had any sense of honour or decency, she would have resigned her post at the time, as did the leader of the council.

One of the reasons that people in high positions in the public and private services receive such high salaries is because they take on a great deal of responsibility. And yes, that means that's where the buck stops when things go wrong as has been said in this thread.

She's strutting about now as if she has been vindicated when all she has gained is the possibility of a payoff for unfair dismissal.
But if you feel you can defend the indefensible then carry on, as you sir are the fool imo.
If Sharon Shoesmith had had any sense of honour or decency, she would have resigned her post at the time, as did the leader of the council.

One of the reasons that people in high positions in the public and private services receive such high salaries is because they take on a great deal of responsibility. And yes, that means that's where the buck stops when things go wrong as has been said in this thread.

She's strutting about now as if she has been vindicated when all she has gained is the possibility of a payoff for unfair dismissal.

Spot on.
Based on that ignorant logic

The cheif of police should resign over the G20 killing or any unlawful killing there have been a few lately
The director of every hospital should resign every time a patient dies of MRSA due to poor cleaning practices, neglect or bad practise

The govenor of every prison should resign every time a prisoner is found dead in their cell either through suicide or killed by another prisoner

Every MP who claimed ANY amount of extra expenses should have resigned and been prosecuted

The list goes on and on, army chiefs when a recruit dies, did anyone get the sack when those soldiers were shot dead in their own barracks

Who knows what sort of defence shoesmith might have put up

Do you have ALL the you don't
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