Shocking crime in Thailand (mass shooting)

Actually disgusting that someone took a thread of this nature and immediately derailed it to suit some petty bickering he has with some other member, making completely irrelevant points too.

I wasn't going to respond but it's pretty effin disgraceful tbh.
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Actually disgusting that someone took a thread of this nature and immediately derailed it to suit some petty bickering he has with some other member, making completely irrelevant points too.

I wasn't going to respond but it's pretty effin disgraceful tbh.
Yes it's nothing short of pathetic. There again, what do we expect from the TIT (troll in training)
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I take it you go on every march and protest for things that you agree with then? If not, does that mean you don't object to such things that people are protesting about?
Do you believe in animal cruelty? Been on a march against it?
Brexit? Marched against that have you?
The shooting of Mark Duggan? How'd that march go?
FGM? How about that?
Death of Sarah Everard? Agree with it?

It might just be best for you to name the protests marches you've been on and then we will know what you are for and against, using your method of reasoning.
Going on a march is hardly going to be a noticeable protest to a social media site, now is it? :rolleyes:
Objecting to and calling out potential mass murderers on a social media site is usually achieved by contributing to that media site and ridiculing the potential mass murderers.
Many on here would like me to be banned, so that those potential mass murderers can have free rein. :rolleyes:
PatEx isn't very bright. They take what people type and reply with a load of (usually) unrelated guff in a blatant attempt to derail threads, as evidenced in this very thread. Here's an example of how folk like PatEx operate:

Forum Member
I was driving along the coast yesterday, beautiful day, hope to do it more often. Saw some families and walkers out having fun on the surrounding fields.

You were driving were you? Is your vehicle even road legal? I bet it isn't. I bet you take it to dodgy backstreet garages to be serviced, if you even get it serviced. Beautiful day was it? People in the states are currently living through storm after storm. Proud of that are you? As for the people walking in the fields, why shouldn't they? I suppose you think the land owner should set the dogs on them? You have absolutely no sympathy for the plight of the lesser known squish beetle do you, it'll be extinct in a year or two because of people just like you!

You see, that's how PatEx operates ;) Pathetically transparent really.
diy_fun_uk isn't very bright. He ( I assume there's only one of him, but he assumes there's more than one of me :rolleyes: ) take what people type and with a load of their fantasy.

He appears to be upset because I've objected to andy11's, Fillyboy's and ReganAndCarter's desire to shoot asylum seekers on site.

You see that's how someone who can't present an intelligent discussion operates. Pathetically transparent really. :oops:
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Another post taken off topic so the show pony can make it about him and not the topic.
There seems some reticence to use the insufficient privileges to post in the thread card. It would certainly make the threads run smoother instead of being bogged down in catering to the show pony.
If you stopped stalking me and posting your obnoxious comments all the time, there'd be a lot less 'bogging down' of threads.
Actually disgusting that someone took a thread of this nature and immediately derailed it to suit some petty bickering he has with some other member, making completely irrelevant points too.

I wasn't going to respond but it's pretty effin disgraceful tbh.
It's pretty effin disgraceful to propose shooting asylum seekers on site.
And you never objected to that.
I guess you have a narrow window of what you find effin disgraceful.
Yes it's nothing short of pathetic. There are, what do we expect from the TIT (troll in training)
What is pathetic is your remorse for dead children thousands of miles away, while not objecting to several posters threatening to shoot on sight asylum seekers on arrival, just a coupe of hundred miles away or so.
Perhaps if you objected to and called out the proposal of the shooting of asylum seekers on UK beaches, by some contributors to Diynot, then your remorse for other dead children might appear more genuine.
I think posting silly pictures is well off -topic, But I might as well join in.
What is pathetic is your remorse for dead children thousands of miles away, while not objecting to several posters threatening to shoot on sight asylum seekers on arrival, just a coupe of hundred miles away or so.
Perhaps if you objected to and called out the proposal of the shooting of asylum seekers on UK beaches, by some contributors to Diynot, then your remorse for other dead children might appear more genuine.
You genuinely don't get it do you? You don't see the ridiculousness of 99% of the stuff you post, do you? Or do you get it as some of us suspect i.e. you simply get a kick out of stirring and trolling? Either way, you're pathetic. You think you're in the right and we're all in the wrong ... how wrong you are.

Let me try to explain it to you. Firstly, now try to let this sink in, it's possible I don't read every single post in every single thread. So when it comes to what others are typing, I might not even be aware. And even if I do see it, I'm not obliged to reply one way or the other. Has that sunk in?

Secondly, when someone posts something e.g. starts a new topic, there is no, ZERO, obligation to link the subject to other related topics. Again, let me try to explain. I posted about the tragic killings in Thailand. I am under no obligation either in that thread or others to critique all the other sh1t that's taking place elsewhere, whether related or not. For one thing, posts would become pages long if we were obliged to post correlation after correlation and to provide opinions on anything and everything related.

I don't even say this jokingly, I genuinely wonder if English is your first language as you seem to misinterpret the way things are worded/phrased. Or you add things that haven't been mentioned at all within that thread.

Forum member: I like the Ford brand of car.
You: Oh, so you don't like Vauxhall's then?!?

You maybe don't see it, but that's you. If you do see it, you're a stirring troll, if you don't, you're a bit on the thick side.

I genuinely created this topic to share my disgust at what happened to those people and you immediately brought in an unrelated subject. I won't reply to you further in this thread.
You think you're in the right and we're all in the wrong ...
Not all of you, and not all of the time, but you are on this aspect.
You profess distress for some children being killed thousands of miles away. But you fail to object to a few posters threatening to shoot asylum seekers on sight, just a couple of hundred miles away.
Do you not see the hypocrisy in your comments?
Forum member: I like the Ford brand of car.
You: Oh, so you don't like Vauxhall's then?!?

You maybe don't see it, but that's you.
I see you fantasising about what you think I might say.
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