Should people who refuse a Covid vaccine be denied treatment or charged for it?

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Can't believe the appetite for overbearing state control. The more this very suspect government push this vaccine on us, the less I like it. And as for a safe, tested vaccine - how would we know any long term side effects? Seem to be lots willing to dive in. Best to let them test it on oldies first.
Sadly too many people take what they are spoon fed as gospel...

But the 'oldies' will be dead soon anyway, so not much point in researching 'long term effects' on them!

Plus I see that this expensive minus 70C 'vaccine' will be stored at 53 hospitals after being transported from Belgium. I wonder how long it will last stuck in a lorry jam at the new border?
Also, what is the problem for those who want to excercise their personal liberty not to have the vaccine? Surely if the vaccine is so effective, then anti-vaxers will just be a risk of spreading it to other anti-vaxers. Do we villify those who don't have the annual flu jab as they could give flu to an older person who go on to develop pneumonia and possibly die? I think a few need to step back from the hysteria, forget the over-hyped government stats and take a more subjective view of the whole situation.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
What about those that cannot take it?
Vaccines are generally in an egg based carrier - what about those that are allergic to eggs?
I was speaking to a guy yesterday who when he had the flue jab it made him violently ill for weeks, he has not had it since and is extremely wary of this one.

Why should people who may have been paying their contributions for years be refused hospital treatment when a self induced fatty or heavy smoker gets treatment no problem?
Why should people who may have been paying their contributions for years be refused hospital treatment when a self induced fatty or heavy smoker gets treatment no problem?
An injection of a relatively cheap vaccine could prevent the person going to hospital and costing many thousands to treat them. You cant get that success with a vaccine for smoking or obesity. Maybe also because a fatty or a heavy smoker is not going to infect and kill others that they may come into contact with including the medical staff treating them? The way I see it is that I am being responsible by having the vaccine to protect not just me, but to protect all those I come into contact with. I look on it as my duty to society.
That's how these things start.

Did you see my link yesterday about two judges here who may be 'censured' for studying and questioning the accuracy of covid testing?
Doesn't mean that the gov will get away with it... I hear that a court case will be launched to stop this/carry on finding out about covid.
Anyway, I think this whole vaccine is a moot point... and all this arguing here pointless.
This is Boris & co in charge, it's bound to be mucked up somehow :LOL:
Why should people who may have been paying their contributions for years be refused hospital treatment when a self induced fatty or heavy smoker gets treatment no problem?

Is any one on this thread saying they should be refused treatment or compelled to take it? My answer is still a no.
Maybe also because a fatty or a heavy smoker is not going to infect and kill others that they may come into contact with including the medical staff treating them?
Great point Mottie..."""No jab, no play""".let them go play with the other anti vax tinfoil cap brigade in the dunces corner.
The ""wait and see what happens""""brigade..Lets wait and see what Herr Hitler does when he arrives in London...Great idea..Do not want to be too Hasty!
Doesn't mean that the gov will get away with it... I hear that a court case will be launched to stop this/carry on finding out about covid.

You do know these 2 Judges are in Portugal, so which court case did you hear about?

A conspiracy spread by EFLImpudence.
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