Should the US have a 10 day Auditing Process on Voting Fraud.

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It can't be easy for the likes of DP and Ryler to see their hero begging.

God ol Murica


PUBLISHED DATE: January 03, 2021

Total Number of GV Deaths - ALL Causes - 283
Homicide/Murder/Unintentional/DGU - 85
Suicide - 198
Total Number of Injuries - 228
Mass Shootings - 5

Yes it's 3 days in!!
A good friend is a consultant anaesthetist and professor in a med school. He visited his uni buddy in America (I forget where) and went to work for a day in the ER where he worked. "How many gun injuries do you see in a year?" asked our hero. "Abou 11 I think." was the reply.

My pal was taken aback at such a low number, given what we hear on the news. Turned out, there were 'about 11' shootings in the ER in that year! Amazing.
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Oh it is. Very few Presidents have failed to get re-elected and that's what is so devastating to Trump. Plus it's looking more and more like his supposed wealth is a sham. Trophy wife divorce and prison.

Massive loser.
Becoming President of the USA...Bizarre definition of one of lifes losers whichever way you mince it up.
Let DP cling to his desperate 'not a loser in life' comfort blanket - at least for now. Whist the rest of us revel in the worlds biggest loser flailing and panicking like a scalded pig.
Just accept you are wrong again..Nothing to do with comfort blankets ffs..just common sense.
Should the US have a 10 day Auditing Process on Voting Fraud.

If they need it, should they really be trusted with voting in the first place?
Shouldn't it be a common occurrence in nations/states that want to validate the veracity of their procedures.
Granted, such common occurrences do not need to be linked or related to specific elections.
Becoming President of the USA
And made an utterly shoite job of that. So bad in fact that they only tolerated him for 4 very bad years. Extremely rare for an incumbent not to get re-elected so he must have been dire.
Yep, worlds biggest loser - EVER.
And made an utterly shoite job of that. So bad in fact that they only tolerated him for 4 very bad years. Extremely rare for an incumbent not to get re-elected so he must have been dire.
Yep, worlds biggest loser - EVER.
Wait until the next UK election before making any predictions on the relative merits of 'world class' losers.

oops, sorry, digressed and mentioned Brexit in a thread I created. :sleep:
Shouldn't it be a common occurrence in nations/states that want to validate the veracity of their procedures.

They've been validating the election over and above the usual methods* via recounts, hand counts and 60 court cases. An extra 10 days just gives the nutters time for more trips to the gas station for petrol to throw on the fire. Plus it panders to sore losers. Needs nipping in the bud now.

*Local certification, state certification, electoral college voting.
Definetly not a loser though.

I understand where you are coming from, have you heard his conversation with the Georgia Official asking him to find votes. That's a sore loser.

It's childish and it encourages people to turn their beliefs into facts. When people flatly reject reality we are getting closer to authoritarianism.
i think he should have taken defeat gracefully,

american politics is a joke though, they are the laughing stock of the world, and i cant see ti changing any time soon.
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