To cut to the chase, I think it’s idealistic, not realistic, and more than a little too Big Brother for me.
What a **** I was just nearing the end of my response and I hit shift+backspace or cntrl+backspace and the whole lot went. So now I'll start again.
I'll deal with your points one at a time 'cos to try and deal with them all together would be a bit too idealistic.
I don't think it's idealistic to expect others to behave properly in polite company. I think we should expect others to behave properly and object if they don't. (I'm aware of the accusations against me about using insults etc and I'll deal with them in due course)
It comes down to where do you draw the line between free speech and censorship, and the trouble there is if you ask a dozen different people I’m sure you would get a dozen different answers. And as the saying goes “You can please all of the people some of the time or some of the people all of the time” etc. So what to do to be fair?
That would be a fair comment if we were discussing sport, politics even reiligion. But we're talking about behaving properly in public.
If you witnessed a group verbally harrasing a defenceless person, would you put it down to free speech?
Like they say about porn on TV, if you don’t like what you see on a forum then just ‘switch it off’ or try another channel. No one has a gun to your head. The difference in the street of course is that you can’t just switch someone’s vulgar or offensive mouth off, and in that case I would like people show respect for those who don’t like it. (Some spatial awareness and consideration for others).
I don't think it is the same as porn at all. Some are no doubt as offended or even more offended by porn. But porn also has its critics.
However, if someone created, behaved or even watched porn in public, in an way that could offend others, I'm sure the law would deal with them harshly.
Suppose someone was behaving pornographically in front of your children, would you object in the strongest fashion?
But I would still personally err on the side of free speech every time even at the risk of offending someone than have someone straightjacket or dictated to as to what they can or cannot do and say. (You can never know who might be within earshot).
So going back to my example of someone being verbally harrased in public, for no reason of their own, you would walk away and put it down to free speech?
The caveat here, of course, is you cannot give people complete free reign to start killing others or stealing, for example. So even the freedom I speak of has limits which need to be in place. Most things are a balance or compromise and this is yet another.
Sometimes, you have to make a decision about the limits of behaviour that you are prepared to accept.
I've many times pointed out to others that there is freedom, but within defined, acceptable limits.
Sometimes personal limits correspond to public acceptability. Racism is defintely one of those.
Some things you can’t give a definite answer to or opinion on until you have heard all sides of the argument. So I could be swayed, (one of my infamous swerving U-Turns and hypocrisy), until I can make an informed decision.
To do nothing sometimes is to silently condone bad behaviour.
I agree, with children, sometimes it's better to ignore bad behaviour, but are we talking about children's bad behaviour here?
What is it they say about the worst decision, something like: "indecision is the worst decision."
But meanwhile, just a quick litmus test for you Rogue, let me ask you something if I may. I know it’s fiction and light-hearted, but would you prefer or approve of something like this?
“John Spartan you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality statute”.?
Did you see the movie?
Sorry, I need an upgrade of flashmovie to watch it and I don't want that upgrade. I haven't seen the film.
You might be the 1 person who is offended amongst 100 of which 50 are not and the remaining 49 are indifferent. So why, in such a case, pander to the 1's desire? Now there's a slipery-slope trap if ever there was..
If you witness bad behaviour in public and stand up to it, you often realise the depth of feeling that others had, in common with your own. But sadly, all too often, no-one does object until one person takes the lead.
Now about the accusations against me for using insulting behaviour.
I accept those accusations as true, unfortunately.
I don't apologise for that behaviour because I think it was deserved and in retalliation.
I also accept Brigadiers comment, and perhaps others, when he said two wrongs don't make a right.
Absolutely. When I use insulting comments at others it does not correct, amend, negate or excuse their original bad behaviour.
I wish I had the grace and fortitude to reason with others on here without resorting to insults, but I don't, and I've only seen one poster on here who can. I have a great deal of respect for that poster.
I wished I could emulate him, ( assuming it is a him.)