It's very ambiguous (again) as to who your comments are directed, BT.
Care to be a little more precise?
Not really, but I will say that despite what you
may think, it is at anyone and everyone for whom the cap fits. If they don’t recognise it themselves then there’s little merit in pointing it out.
Where were you, then when the racially abusive insults were flowing like there was no tomorrow?
Will you criticise the racially abusive insults in the future?
Or will you limit your crticism to those that do object to abusive behaviour?
As I keep saying, if or when you win your little battle here, you won't have changed the person or what they think; just what they are allowed to say. (Self-appointed moderator).
It's not
my battle. It's an acknowledged unacceptable practice (by the few) in society that needs to be eradicated.
I have said racism is not illegal, like pornography, you can practise it to your heart's content, in private, not in public.
With respect, for an intelligent guy there are some fundamental laws of human nature you do not appear to understand. When you restrict what people are allowed to say, as their own opinion, (be it right or wrong!), it builds resentment and enmity.
Racism, like pornography, is not aceptable in public.
The underlying theme you will get from me is freedom of speech 1st, other issues 2nd, if you haven't noticed.
Similarly, I have a right to free speech, and if you don't like it, hard luck. I have a right.
But you do have a habit of telling me that my right is boring, repetitive, mud-slinging, racially povocative, etc, whereas you have failed time and time again to criticise racially abusive comments.
Twisting and straw-manning it to insinuate that I approve of an ‘anything goes’ policy is not what I have said. That’s why I find it difficult to engage with you anymore.
I am not the one making ambiguous and imprecise accusations.
I'm certainly not presenting strawman arguments.
How is condemning abusive behaviour twisitng and straw-manning?
Some examples, perhaps?
I suspect you don't wish to engage with me anymore is because you have been exposed as a prejudiced hypochrite.
I say you can switch a TV station over if you don’t like it or not watch a thread. You turn it into I want to be able to jerk-off in public. Not excatly, but that’s how it always goes with you; twisting a valid point.
TV, magazines, live shows, etc have warnings, deadlines, hoops to jump through, etc. GD forum has no such warnings. The racially abusive comments are there for all to read, be offended by and worst of all, educate our children into what is acceptable on social media.
Now if that is your idea of responsible behaviour in society, (a) I don't share your idea of responsibility, (b) I'm sure glad you're not in a responsible position in society, and (c) probably goes a long way to explaining why you're not in a position to be a model of responsibility in society.