Signs of the Rwanda threat working?

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According to the Daily Mail, more than 20,000 people who were here legally on visas, made a claim for asylum last year, as a way of remaining here.

With that in mind, I believe it is most likely that those crossing into Ireland to make an asylum claim, are mainly people legally in the UK on visas.
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Lol, if you mean wanting the Government to take control so less people die then I suppose I'm one of them...
I don't necessarily mean you as I don't know your views on all this.

I'm referring to the portion of society that, whenever anyone tries to debate/discuss this or similar issues, immediately revert to something along these lines:

These are human beings you know!!!

Yes, we know they're human beings thank you very much. However that doesn't mean it's right for them to be entering the country on boats or via other illegal routes. And no, it doesn't mean we don't care for these peoples overall wellbeing. However that shouldn't equate to 'hello, in you all come, one and all!!!'
According to the Daily Mail, more than 20,000 people who were here legally on visas, made a claim for asylum last year, as a way of remaining here.

With that in mind, I believe it is most likely that those crossing into Ireland to make an asylum claim, are mainly people legally in the UK on visas.
According to some news sources they are mostly Nigerians. it's well known that a student study visa is a nice easy way to get to the UK and then claim asylum once here. There are even allegations that certain universities are assisting with the gaming of the system, by having very low academic requirements for overseas students who pay high fees to come to the UK.

So I would not conclude that those turning up in Ireland are those coming here with visas.
Don't you? You're deluded then.
Some people are convinced the government are failing but have no clue what they should do to fix the problem. They are adamant that the problem needs to be fixed and the government must do it. They look forward to the next government fixing the problem. But again they make no comment on which of their plans they think will work or not.

You might call that blind faith or delusion.
Some people are convinced the government are failing but have no clue what they should do to fix the problem. They are adamant that the problem needs to be fixed and the government must do it. They look forward to the next government fixing the problem. But again they make no comment on which of their plans they think will work or not.

You might call that blind faith or delusion.
I am fully confident the 'break the gangs' rhetoric will prove to be as effective as the 'war on drugs.'
According to some news sources they are mostly Nigerians. it's well known that a student study visa is a nice easy way to get to the UK and then claim asylum once here. There are even allegations that certain universities are assisting with the gaming of the system, by having very low academic requirements for overseas students who pay high fees to come to the UK.

So I would not conclude that those turning up in Ireland are those coming here with visas.

Is it still possible to claim asylum in the UK, as long as you initially entered legally e.g. on a visa? Would that mean such people would not be part of the Rwanda scheme?
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