smoking ban

markie said:
I must say I can tell you don't smoke, if you think smoking a tab makes your awearness go AWOL
So let me get this right - you think that it's because I don't smoke that I'm under some illusion that the people I see smoking and failing to drive properly demonstrate some correlation between the two facts?

That seems a bizarre point of view. You regard smokers, who have a vested interest in permitting smoking whilst driving, and in arguing against a law that would prohibit it, as having a rational point of view about this, whereas you think that I'm in some way biased, and not thinking rationally, because I don't smoke? :confused:

So when your on your phone ( hands free ) chatting away to an cilent reguarding this and that, are you totally focused on the road a head, is your mind on your driving only. ;)
Again with the phone thing. I've never said that my phone doesn't distract me - it does, which is why I do my best to limit my use of it, and also why I approve of the penalties levied on drivers who drive and use a non-hands-free handset.

How does me being a [relatively] normal, and fallible, human being, invalidate my observations of the vast quantities of smokers who display glaring lapses of concentration, and how does the fact that you smoke qualify your observations to be more valid? :confused:

Thats what I said ( smokers and no-smokers )
I've never said that my views are representative of any other non-smoker. Are you saying that your views, or ninebob's, are representative of other smokers?
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markie said:
Is there any laws reguarding smoking over the pond mlb3c ?

loads ....depending on the state you live in cant smoke in a lot of restaurants...goverment buildings...and most work places have certain areas you can smoke...but it is up to the individual owners to enforce how they see fit...I have heard of the not smoking in work vehicles...I dont think it is law yet though. I guess since the....please dont smoke...we dont like it ...didnt work...they've gone to a higher power. :confused:
I posted twice, then realised it would have been better to edit one of them and so transferred its contents to the beginning of the next post.
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mlb3c said:
markie said:
Is there any laws reguarding smoking over the pond mlb3c ?

loads ....depending on the state you live in cant smoke in a lot of restaurants...goverment buildings...and most work places have certain areas you can smoke...but it is up to the individual owners to enforce how they see fit...I have heard of the not smoking in work vehicles...I dont think it is law yet though. I guess since the....please dont smoke...we dont like it ...didnt work...they've gone to a higher power. :confused:

Also, Markie, it's illegal to smoke outdoors in both the states of Maine and Vermont. The irony here is that I think that Vermont is where they shot that ridiculous 60's ad describing a mountainous backdrop as "Marlborough country". Not long after leaving San Francisco (where I had lived for a few years) they implemented the ban on smoking in bars. Some British friends of mine (smokers) were so aghast at Arnie's impertinence that this resulted in their eventual departure from the US and return to the seemingly more tolerant conditions in the UK. They are utterly outraged at the imminent restrictions to be imposed shortly.

Regardless....I say roll on the 1st July! ;)
markie said:
in the van theres me and 1 other, he does not smoke, but I have the window down ( not that he's bothered )
Sorry but your mate is an idiot not to bothered, the 2nd hand smoke is more dangerous than smoking itself :!:

I would not even let you smoke in the same van as me because smoking around me will gives me toxic gases as carbon monoxide plus hydrogen cyanide and many more disgusting chemicals. Many people died from lung cancer because of 2nd hand smoke including Roy Castle who never smoke. I fully support this no smoking law.

2nd hand smoke
masona said:
markie said:
in the van theres me and 1 other, he does not smoke, but I have the window down ( not that he's bothered )
Sorry but your mate is an idiot not to bothered, the 2nd hand smoke is more dangerous than smoking itself :!:

I would not even let you smoke in the same van as me because smoking around me will gives me toxic gases as carbon monoxide plus hydrogen cyanide and many more disgusting chemicals

Many people died from lung cancer because of 2nd hand smoke including Roy Castle who never smoke. I fully support this no smoking law.

2nd hand smoke

I think you need to get one of these


Do you agree what I'm saying?

What about your childen? Do you want them to smoke?

If you don't smoke in the house I can still smell it on the breath when the smokers are talking :!:

Best thing to do is to give it up
masona said:
markie said:
in the van theres me and 1 other, he does not smoke, but I have the window down ( not that he's bothered )
Sorry but your mate is an idiot not to bothered, the 2nd hand smoke is more dangerous than smoking itself

Idiot or not its his mates choice, what is happening to freedom of choice in this country.

The hypocrisy shown by this government, when raking in billions of pounds from smoking, then attempting to make it a criminal offence, is breathtaking.
They haven,t got the balls to just make it illegal.

And to suggest 2nd hand smoke is MORE dangerous than smoking is nonsense.
Not only do smokers smoke, they also inhale 2nd hand smoke, making it twice as dangerous probably more so...
smoking is bad for peoples health, full stop.

the reason it is banned in a public place is to protect those people who choose not to smoke because fag smoke is indiscriminate.

the results of wether smoking, using mobile phones, driving whilst drunk etc., and how we are distracted by them are irrelevant in this case.

if a person wishes to drink alcohol, then he can take a swig without harming others. the fact that he can then get into a car and cause someone or himself death or injury has already been addressed by law.

but smoke is different. it is dangerous to others nearby the second that fag is lit.
How does the ban affect the armed forces? Smoke free cartridges...
empip said:
How does the ban affect the armed forces? Smoke free cartridges...

Thats a good :?: are they allowed to smoke, I wouldn't fancy sitting nexted to someone who's craving for a fag and going loopy, when he's carrying a


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