Smoking in Public Places

23 Nov 2003
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United Kingdom
The sooner smoking is banned in public places the better. I can enjoy my basic human right to breathe fresh, clean, natural air without it being polluted by some selfish, nervous, weak-willed nitwit.
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...and it kills 120,000 year in year out.

notb665 said:
The sooner smoking is banned in public places the better. I can enjoy my basic human right to breathe fresh, clean, natural air without it being polluted by some selfish, nervous, weak-willed nitwit.

I agree..however until we all drive electric vehicles the air won't be much cleaner any time soon!! :LOL:
Does anyone know if the tax that smokers pay on there ciggies covers what it costs the nhs in smoking related illnesses, or is there a "surplus"
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scatmanjohn said:
Does anyone know if the tax that smokers pay on there ciggies covers what it costs the nhs in smoking related illnesses, or is there a "surplus"

According to figures stated some months ago on the news when discussing this...

Smoking Revenue to Treasury...£7.2 Billion annually

Cost to NHS is smoking related illnesses.. estimated at £20 Billion

Not sure if these are accurate, but I understood them to have come from the Public records office...
Figures used to be a large net income from smoking taxes. Don't know if you can believe any of them.
Bludy hell..if you are right Big_Spark smoking should be banned full stop or make them pay for there treatment.
I saw on the news tonight that some nhs trusts are refusing to do hip replacements on anyone who is a bloater.
Its a bit unfair to target the fatties and let the dirty smokers get away with it
Scat, I know what you mean. The really annoying thing is that it would let me out, yet most people, joking aside, do not consider me fat.

The problem is they are basing it on the Body Mass Index, some stupid load of nonsence that uses averages and not reality. I am a very large framed person, I have almost 9" wrists and an almost 19" neck. I do carry a little more weight than ideal, but even the Doctor reckons my ideal weight is 125kg (I actually weigh in at 131kg). In English that means I am about 1 stone heavier than ideal.

My Body mass index is 32.7, according to the NHS that makes me odese??????????????

They fail to account for the fact that my frame is so damded large that even annorexic I would weigh as much as an average large man!!
Everyone's bones weigh about the same according to their height.

You are fat. Very fat.

A kilo is 2.2 pounds. There are 14 pounds in a stone.

That's a bit over 20 stone.

Yeah, the problem is is that we should really hiking/climbing to pick food, be running around to catch food, spending the WHOLE day in physical exercise of some sort, whereas it is easy to go to the supermarket and sit down in front of the telly, or the, er computer.

For people who live in temperate to hot climates, track athletes actually represent what we should look like.

I am 6'4'' and 17 stone. My BMI says I am obese too. I used to do high intensity exercise and I went to 11 stone. I never felt better, but when I stopped, it slowly crept back up.
so if you weigh 20 stones what is the average height, at a guess im 5'8" and 11 stones and that was nearly ideal weight for size. so would 8'6" be about the ideal height for 20 stone?
We just have to be careful this thread doesn't become a mother's meeting.
I thought that they were going away from the body mass index and going on waste size.
Doctor Hillary (try not to laugh at his girly name) on gmtv said that any man with a waiste size over 36" is classed as obese.
With the body mass index some premiership players were found to be obese (wayne rooney maybe) ;)
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