Smoking in Public Places

scatmanjohn said:
I thought that they were going away from the body mass index and going on *waste size*.

I can see why they call you 'scat' man now. Are you saying that they measure turds?

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joe-90 said:
Everyone's bones weigh about the same according to their height.

Of course, because human bodies are composed entirely of bone...

Oh, no, wait! There's muscle, and internal organs, and... :rolleyes:

See my point? My biceps are 18.5" around (and yes, that is muscle, not lard), yet someone else my height (and with presumably the same mass of bone) might have skinny arms and legs.

The difference between long hair and a skinhead is probably a couple of pounds too.
Smoking FROM private places :eek: I thought about setting up a cafe solely for smokers, and combining with an old style tobacconist..yeah, I`m an ex smoker but I used to do it because I enjoyed it.and smoked strong stuff..Players Gold leaf ciggies, Sobranie Black Russians, Three nuns pipe, cigars, hand blended mixtures, Clan.NOT. Esspreso coffee machine.....doubt it would make money.and you couldn`t get the PC.Staff :LOL: ..........just another ijet dreaming :?:
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the big c killed my dad

he fell of the cross chanell ferry to calais.
Nige F said:
Smoking FROM private places :eek: I thought about setting up a cafe solely for smokers, and combining with an old style tobacconist..

I doubt you would have any problem if it was members only...

In the US they have "cigar clubs"... they even let women in (but whereas a big fat cigar looks cool on a man, it looks weird on a woman)
when i walk down the street and smoke sometimes i beat people up and get abusive and throw up every where,opps thats drinking alchohol which you can now do even more with the new longer drinking many nicotine related crimes are there :?:
ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
when i walk down the street and smoke sometimes i beat people up and get abusive and throw up every where,opps thats drinking alchohol which you can now do even more with the new longer drinking many nicotine related crimes are there :?:

Just one. It's called giving people cancer with your smoke.

ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
how many nicotine related crimes are there :?:

There's no stats to say, however I bet you'll find a lot of criminals smoke! ;)

Also, even nowadays drinking is generally a late night, weekend activity. Comparitively few people go out drinking on a Monday or at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, certainly not rowdy drinking. And you seldom see a mum pushing a pram with a can of spesh on the go.

But smoking goes on everywhere. You see a pregnant woman or a mum with a baby, smoking, and can't help but think "Does she care about the damage she is causing her baby?" :confused:
AdamW said:
But smoking goes on everywhere. You see a pregnant woman or a mum with a baby, smoking, and can't help but think "Does she care about the damage she is causing her baby?" :confused:
one of the women where i work, was pregnant a bit back, before she went on maternity, she was saying that her doctor said the baby wasn't growing inside her . . . guess what, she smoked 10 a day during the pregnancy . . . why the bloody hell was she surprised?? thick cow :evil: she should let her child make the decision whether it smokes, and if that means waiting 9 months to find out then so be it. if she really cared . . . :rolleyes:
Yeah, and her smoking will also affect the baby's ova (if it was a girl, obviously) and so affecting her grandkids.
fact one trials in usa show nicotine is more addictive than heroin.

fact two no goverment will give up taxes from cigs by banning them totally.

fact three obsecity related illness has now overtaken smoking related illness in usa for cost to health care system.
so why is no one banning over eating? many people smoke but how many people binge drink and over eat and what happens. ban smoking but open pubs longer and open up are fast food outlets. double standards

smoking has been banned in all workplaces here. during summer i was outside in smoke area and a lot of non smokers complained they could not enjoy the sunshine because of smoke. now during bad weather they get to stay inside and keep warm while i freeze outside. they want fresh air so let them go outside and i will stay inside and enjoy the smoke filled room.
soups05 said:
fact one trials in usa show nicotine is more addictive than heroin.

fact two no goverment will give up taxes from cigs by banning them totally.

fact three obsecity related illness has now overtaken smoking related illness in usa for cost to health care system.
so why is no one banning over eating? many people smoke but how many people binge drink and over eat and what happens. ban smoking but open pubs longer and open up are fast food outlets. double standards

smoking has been banned in all workplaces here. during summer i was outside in smoke area and a lot of non smokers complained they could not enjoy the sunshine because of smoke. now during bad weather they get to stay inside and keep warm while i freeze outside. they want fresh air so let them go outside and i will stay inside and enjoy the smoke filled room.

This is because one individual smoking affects a multitude of people who may not want to be affected. One individual not smoking affects no-one. Smoking is unnecessary. Why can't smokers see that?
As none of my friends smoke, the usual times I am exposed to anything more than a brief whiff of cigarette smoke is when I go to a pub that doesn't have a no-smoking area.

You don't realise just how unpleasant it is until you are used to "clean" air!

I'm just looking forward to reducing my laundry load, having to wash everything I wore to the pub to get the smell out gets on my nerves :LOL: I suspect women will find the same about hair too (funny how they're so fussy about man cleanliness but very few women wash their hair daily ;) )
joe-90 said:
Everyone's bones weigh about the same according to their height.

You are fat. Very fat.
Better than being an ignoramus.
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