Snow in late March

If it's all cyclical then why can no-one predict the cycle? And what causes it?
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chapeau you are correct, the yanks are not interested in reducing their emissions, yet we in the UK and other developed countries, will preach to the likes of India and endeavour to get them to develop but not cause pollution. Whilst we did not give a monkeys about causing pollution whilst we developed.

Without the yanks reducing their emissions there is little impact that the EU will have on overall pollution levels, even if we got them down to zero.

It is a case of do as I say not asI do.
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Warming of arctic far greater than what they forecast. It's a very very bad thing. Probably major cause of jet stream shift too.

The polar ice sheets have been going backwards and forwards long before man
came along; the dinosaurs weren't burning fossil fuels.
No but the earth has a well-known wobble, and there were well documented volcanic eruptions.
the western world knows its time it's approaching. India, China, Brazil et al are coming fast on the rails. What to do?
Can't go to war with them. How to slow them down?
Get them to buy into climate change, stop building power stations.....clip their wings a bit.
How about that for a conspiracy theory:D
I'm a clever scientist and have done a bit of research (paid for by an anti-global-warming group) to prove that the earth is cooling; here is a graph of my findings. Global warming does not, therefore, exist.
How about that for a conspiracy theory:D

Yes I've heard that one before. That is all part of the politics, the science is something separate of course and tells a different story.

PS tony, if you want to be a really clever scientist you should chuck scales on your graph. It looks very much like going from summer to winter, obviously as it's now March the title should say 'southern hemisphere'. What method/data did you use to predict the future ? Do you have error bars?
PS tony, if you want to be a really clever scientist you should chuck scales on your graph. It looks very much like going from summer to winter, obviously as it's now March the title should say 'southern hemisphere'. What method/data did you use to predict the future ? Do you have error bars?

I just took the money the group gave me and in return gave them the results they wanted; that's being clever.
Bush-fires and tornadoes on Oz, freezing subnormal temperatures here - what more do you want?

Bush fires are caused by land management, and tornadoes, well those are at an historic low, and freezing temperatures, in winter, oh really do tell!


chapeau said:
The IPCC have been shown to be quite conservative

Really, by whom?

You mean the guys that said this....

Underplaying the intensity
A comparison of past IPCC predictions against 22 years of weather data and the latest climate science find that the IPCC has consistently underplayed the intensity of global warming in each of its four major reports released since 1990.

22 years? well someone might want to tell them the difference between "weather and climate" as some people like to harp on, y know since we haven't had any warming in the past 17 years that was completely unexpected by them.


The Hadley Centre/CRU records show no warming for 18 years (v.3) or 19 years (v.4), and the RSS satellite dataset shows no warming for 23 years (h/t to Werner Brozek for determining these values).
they say the reason for the extreme c0ld weather is because the polar ice cap is melting because of the carbon issue~~ so ice is braking off and cooling the waters which are leading to this cold weather ~~ I wonder what the excuse for this was in the 1800's when they used to play on the ice of the river Thames ~~?
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