I have a strange problem with my socket circuit. Occasionally the circuit trips. It only happens during the Winter, has only happened in the evening and the the only consistent factor is that the central heating is on when it happens, althought the gas boiler is on a separate circuit to the sockets. When the circuit trips it won't switch on again until the following morning. It can happen a couple of times in a week and is then fine for a fortnight! I have replaced the MCB (the limit of my know how!), tried unplugging all appliances in the circuit all to no avail. It has only happened since a new heating systen was intalled a couple of years ago. Would a hot water pipe touching a cable cause this?
Unless I call an electrician out of hours then the circuit would be working fine when he arrives. Would it be worth me calling an electrician when it is working? Would he be able to test each section of the circuit to identify a fault if the circuit was working OK? Is an electricians test equipment more sensitve than whatever threshold is tripping the MCB?
Any advice appreciated. Thanks
Unless I call an electrician out of hours then the circuit would be working fine when he arrives. Would it be worth me calling an electrician when it is working? Would he be able to test each section of the circuit to identify a fault if the circuit was working OK? Is an electricians test equipment more sensitve than whatever threshold is tripping the MCB?
Any advice appreciated. Thanks